A: 어제말한대로 딸기 가져왔어요? A: Did you bring the strawberry that we said yesterday? ▶ Did you bring the strawberry that we talk about (you said/told) yesterday? ※ say: 일반적인 사용 ※ tell: 전달하는 내용 ※ talk: 논의하는 내용 B: 네, 냉장고에 넣어 놨어요. B: Yes I did, I kept into the refrigerator. ▶ Yes, I did. I left/put them in the refrigerator (fridge). ※ into: in + to 로서 좀 더 디테일하게 안쪽 방향을 의미할 때 사용 ※ 냉장실: refrigerator (fridge). ..
A: 방 탈출 카페 목요일에 예약했어요. 7시까지니깐 6시가 되면 바로 나가야 해요. A: I reserved the escape room cafe on Thursday of this week. We should go out of the office at 6 o'clock because we should arrive until 7 o'clock. ※ until ~까지: 주어 + 동사 ▶ I made a reservation/booked the escape room cafe on this Thursday (on Thursday (in) next week). We should go out of/leave the office at 6 PM sharp/on time because/since we ..
김, 저 오늘부터 4월까지 살 10kg 뺄 거예요. Kim, I will diet 10kg from today until April. ▶ Kim, I will/am going to lose 10kg (weight) from today until April. ※ diet 건강한 식습관 != lose weight 살을 빼다 굳이 뺄 필요가 있어요? Why do you need to diet? ▶ Do you really have/need to lose weight? 엄마랑 내기 했어요. 제가 살 못 빼면 엄마에게 10만원 줘야 해요. I bet money it with my mother. If I fail it, I should give 100 dollars to her. ▶ I bet money for l..
How did you know that?, How can you know all that? 어떻게 알았지? How did you know that? ▶ How do/did you know that? 어떻게 다 알지? How can you know all that? ▶︎ How can you know all of that? 알아야 할 필요가 있나요? Should I need to know that? ▶︎ Do I need to know that? ※ should, could, would, might: 예의 갖출 때 ※ do: 편하게 할 때 어떻게 알아낼 거예요? How will you find out that? ▶︎ How do you find out? 알아낼 수 있어요? Could you figure o..
You seem to be celebrating something. A: 안녕하세요. 오늘 면접보기로 한 명호 김입니다. 김이라고 불러주시면 됩니다. A: Hello, my name is Myoung Ho Kim, I'm here for my interview. Just call me Kim, please. ▶︎ Hello, my name is Myonhho Kim, I am here for the interview. You can call me Kim, please. ※ Just call me: 친분이 있을 때 사용하는 편 B: 반가워요, 킴. 이쪽으로 앉아요. 일찍 오셨네요. 면접은 예정된 시간에 시작할거예요. B: Nice to meet you, Kim. Why don't you ha..
You seem to be celebrating something. A: 축하할 일이 있으신가 봐요. A: You seem to be celebrating something. ▶︎ You might have something to celebrate. B: 네. 시험을 봤는데 전보다 점수가 높게 나왔어요. B: Yes, I tested lately and I get the high score than before. ※ 비교급으로 사용 시 -er ~ than: ~ 보다 (둘 비교) -est ~ among: ~들 보다 (셋 이상 비교) ▶︎ Yes, I got a higher score on the test than the last one. A: 축하드려요! 그럼 이제 뭐 하실 건가요? A: Congratul..
Why are we going this way? It's just another way to go. 우리 왜 이쪽으로 가요? Why are we going this way? ※ be going to ~ : ~할 예정이다 = be gonna (going to) ※ be ~ing : ~하는 중이다. 새로운 길을 찾았어요. 이쪽으로 가도 돼요. I found a new way. It's just another way to go. ▶︎ I know another way. We are good to go this way. 우리가 다니던 길보다 빨라요? Are we possible to arrive fastest than we have been passed the way? ▶ Are we possib..
Why are you hounding me, Just get your coat. 야, 아직도 준비중이야? Hey, do you still be preparing? ▶︎ Hey, are you still getting ready? ※ ~하냐, ~하고 있냐 의문문 - do you + 일반동사? 지금 - 현재 진행형 - be동사 + ~ing - Are you ~? ex) Hey, do you still prepare? 왜그렇게 달달 볶는거야? 천천히 좀 하자. Why are you hounding me? Just let's slow down. ▶︎ Why are you annoying me? Take it easy. 안돼, 이러다간 늦어. 그냥 옷이나 걸쳐. 뛰어가야 해. No, we are runni..
I'm gonna throw up, Maybe the fresh air will make I feel better. (겨울에 차 안에서...) (In a car in winter...) ▶︎ (In a car during the winter) 창문 좀 내릴게. I will lower a window. ▶︎ Let me lower the window. ※ 본인: 누군가 말한 것에 대한 응답을 할 때 ※ 피드백: 본인이 먼저 말할 때 왜? 더워? 히터 꺼줄까? Why? Did you felt hot? Do you want I turn off the heater? ▶ Why? Did you feel hot? Do you want me turn off the heater? ▶︎ Why? Are you h..
You've been rehearsing for weeks, You're gonna be great, Let's hope so. 아 긴장된다. 드디어 기다리던 그 날이 다가오고 있어. Ah... I'm nervous. Finally, the day is coming that I waited. ▶︎ Ah... I'm worried. Finally, the day (that) I have been waiting for is coming. 면접 말하는거지? 몇 주 동안 연습했잖아. 잘할 거야. You said an interview, right? You've been rehearsing for weeks. You're gonna be great. ▶︎ You ..
Nobody makes a big deal about it, I wasn't, but thanks for the heads-up. A: 다들 놀라지 말고 들어, 여자친구랑 헤어졌어. Nobody makes a big deal about it, but I just broke up with my girlfriend. ▶︎ Don't be surprised, I broke up with my girlfriend. B: 궁금하지 않지만, 알려줘서 고맙다. I wasn't, but thanks for the heads-up. ▶︎ I wasn't interested in, but thanks for letting me know. A: 얘기 좀 들어줘. Please, listen. ▶︎ Please, listen ..
It's very common, It shouldn't be too long. 지금 우리 사이트에 접속할 수가 없어요. I can't connect to our site. ▶︎ I can't access our website. 흔한 일이에요. 담당자에게 전달했어요. 금방 끝날 거에요. It's very common. I told a person. It shouldn't be too long. ▶︎ It happens all the time. I told the manager. It won't be too long. 작업하던게 있었는데 진행을 할수가 없네요. 김도 그런가요? I kept tasking but I can't now. Kim, you t..
I'm waiting for some news, I've spent way too much time on it 왜 전화를 계속 보고 있어? Why do you keep seeing the phone? ▶︎ Why do you keep watching the phone? 미안, 기다리는 전화가 있거든. I'm sorry. I'm waiting for some news. ▶︎ Sorry, I am waiting for a call/news. 뭔데? What's news? ▶︎ What is the call/news about? 가고 싶은 회사에 지원했었어. 오랫동안 공들였거든. I applied company that I wanted to work. I've spe..
Can't imagine you working. Why'd you quit? 킴, 개발한지 얼마나 됐어요? Kim, how long have you been programming work? ▶︎ Kim, how long have you been doing programming work? 2년 정도 되었네요. I have been about 2 years. ▶︎ I have been doing about for 2 years. ▶︎ It has been about 2 years now. 오, 벌써 그렇게 되었나요? 이전엔 뭐 했어요? Oh, is it already? What did you before? ▶ Oh, is it already? What did you do before? ▶︎ O..
You didn't need to do that. 오, 웬 커피에요? Wow, why do you give me this coffee? ▶︎ Oh, what is this coffee? ※ do는 생략 가능 저번에 도와준 것에 대한 답례에요. The coffee is a reward that you helped me last time. ▶ This is coffee for you helping me last time. ▶︎ I would like to appreciate you helping me last time. 이럴 필요 없었는데. You didn't need to do that. ▶︎ You don't have to do this. 아니에요, 덕분에 일이 쉽게 해결되었어요. ..
You want me to take 'em to her? 김, 캐시한테 택배가 왔는데 어디에 있는지 아시나요? Kim, you know that where is Cathy? A package came to deliver to her. ▶ Kim, do you know where is Cathy? A package came to her / A package delivered to her. ▶︎ Kim, I got a package for Cathy. Do you know where she is? ※ 직접의문문 vs. 간접의문문 ※ Where is Cathy? (의문사 + 동사 + 주어) ※ Do you know where Cathy is? (의문사 + 주어 + 동사) 어디에 있는지 모르겠지만, 내가..
It's a shame you have to work. 나는 다음주부터 이번달 말까지 휴가야. 일을 해야해서 안됐네. I take a vacation from next week to last of the month. It's a shame you have to work. ▶︎ I have a vacation from next week to the end of this month. It is a shame for you to work. 어쩔 수 없지. 나는 몇 달전에 쉬었었으니까. 다음 달에 봐. I can't help it. I took a vacation some months before. See you next month. ▶︎ Well, it is what it is. I al..
I came as soon as I heard you message. 안녕 마이크, 김이 오면 나한테 와달라고 전달해주세요. Hi Mike, if Kim come back here, you should talk to him come to me, please. ▶︎ Hi Mike, I want you to tell Kim that he needs to come to see me if Kim would come, please. 네, 그렇게 할게요. I will tell him. ▶︎ Okay, will do. 메시지 듣자마자 왔어요. I came as soon as I heard your message. ▶︎ I came here as soon as I got your message. 생각보다 빨리 왔네요...
I take things too far. 아직도 게임 중이야? 언제까지 하려고? Are you still playing the game? When do you finish your game? ▶︎ Are you still playing the game? How long are you going to play? 아 벌써 시간이 이렇게 됐네. 내가 좀 과할때가 있어. Oh, my time flies already. I take things too far. ▶︎ Oh, look at the time. Sometimes, I go too much. 오늘은 여기까지만 해야겠다. I will stop the game right now for today. ▶︎ I need to stop playing the game..
I will handle this, okay? 이 이슈는 처리하기 좀 까다롭겠네요. This issue is difficult solve. ▶ This issue is difficult to solve. ▶︎ This issue is difficult to deal with. ※ deal with something (문제·과제 등을) 처리하다 그래도 중요하니깐 이번에 해야해요. Nevertheless, It is important and we are must doing this time. ▶ Nevertheless, It is important and we must do it this time. ▶︎ However, we need to take care of this issue because it is ..
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