티스토리 뷰

I'm gonna throw up, Maybe the fresh air will make I feel better.


(겨울에 차 안에서...)

(In a car in winter...)

▶︎ (In a car during the winter)


창문 좀 내릴게.

I will lower a window.

▶︎ Let me lower the window.

※ 본인: 누군가 말한 것에 대한 응답을 할 때

※ 피드백: 본인이 먼저 말할 때


왜? 더워? 히터 꺼줄까?

Why? Did you felt hot? Do you want I turn off the heater?

▶ Why? Did you feel hot? Do you want me turn off the heater?

▶︎ Why? Are you hot? Do you want me to turn off the heater?

※ 목적어 이므로 I -> me


아니, 나 멀미 때문에 토할 것 같아. 신선한 공기를 마시면 나을 것 같아.

No, I'm gonna throw up because of motion sickness. Maybe the fresh air will make I feel better.

▶︎ No, I feel like to vomit becasue of a headache. I can feel better if I have some fresh air.


멀미가 아직도 있나보네.

I guess you still have motion sickness.

▶︎ I think you still have a headache.

※ motion sickness라고 사용하지 않음


응, 영원히 고통 받을거야.

Yeah, I will be painful forever.

▶︎ Yeah, I will be painful for good.

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