A: 김, 저 친구한테 추천을 받은 가방을 사려고해요. A: Kim, I will buy a bag that was recommended by my friend. B: 무슨 가방이요? B: What kind of it? ※ 짧게 What kind도 가능 A: 'xxx'라고 검색해봐요. 'zzz' 라는 브랜드의 가방이에요. 평상 시에 사용할거에요. A: Try to search the 'xxx'. It is 'zzz' brand's bag. I will use it for the usual day. B: 헐~ 뭐이리 비싸요? B: Huh... Why is expensive this bag? ▶ Why is this bag so expensiv..
A: 어제말한대로 딸기 가져왔어요? A: Did you bring the strawberry that we said yesterday? ▶ Did you bring the strawberry that we talk about (you said/told) yesterday? ※ say: 일반적인 사용 ※ tell: 전달하는 내용 ※ talk: 논의하는 내용 B: 네, 냉장고에 넣어 놨어요. B: Yes I did, I kept into the refrigerator. ▶ Yes, I did. I left/put them in the refrigerator (fridge). ※ into: in + to 로서 좀 더 디테일하게 안쪽 방향을 의미할 때 사용 ※ 냉장실: refrigerator (fridge). ..
A: 방 탈출 카페 목요일에 예약했어요. 7시까지니깐 6시가 되면 바로 나가야 해요. A: I reserved the escape room cafe on Thursday of this week. We should go out of the office at 6 o'clock because we should arrive until 7 o'clock. ※ until ~까지: 주어 + 동사 ▶ I made a reservation/booked the escape room cafe on this Thursday (on Thursday (in) next week). We should go out of/leave the office at 6 PM sharp/on time because/since we ..
김, 저 오늘부터 4월까지 살 10kg 뺄 거예요. Kim, I will diet 10kg from today until April. ▶ Kim, I will/am going to lose 10kg (weight) from today until April. ※ diet 건강한 식습관 != lose weight 살을 빼다 굳이 뺄 필요가 있어요? Why do you need to diet? ▶ Do you really have/need to lose weight? 엄마랑 내기 했어요. 제가 살 못 빼면 엄마에게 10만원 줘야 해요. I bet money it with my mother. If I fail it, I should give 100 dollars to her. ▶ I bet money for l..
Do I know you from somewhere? Q. 잠깐, 어디선가 본 적이 있는 것 같은데? Q. Excuse me. Do I know you from somewhere? ▶︎ Pardon me, have we met from somewhere? A. 글쎄요, 저는 처음 보는데요. A. Well, I saw you the first time. ▶︎ Well, I haven't seen you before. A. 확실한가요? 어디서요? A. Are you sure? Where have you seen me? ▶︎ Are you sure? Where did we meet? A. 본적이 있는 것 같기도 하고? A. I guess I have seen you before, too. ▶︎ I gu..
Have I come at a bad time? (두 사람이 의견 대립 하는 중) (Two people are taking issue) ▶︎ Two people are arguing. ※ taking issue: 사용하지 않는 표현 Q. Kim, 제가 들어가도 될까요? Q. Kim, have I come at a bad time? ▶︎ Kim, am I in a bad time? ▶︎ Kim, may/can I come in? A. 미안한데, 좀 있다 다시 와주실래요? A. I am sorry, could you come back after a while, please? ▶︎ My apology, could you come back in 10 minutes, please? A. 미안해요. 금방 끝나니깐 ..
Could you show me your passport and boarding ticket, please? 여기 있어요. Here you are. 위 짐칸에 있는 가방에 있어요. It is in my bag in the overhead compartment. ▶ It is in my bag in the overhead compartment. 잠시만요. 가방에서 꺼내야 해요. Wait a minute, please. I should take out it in my bag. ▶ For a second, please. (Could you wait for a second, please) I should take it out in/from my bag. 공항 어딘가에 잃어버렸어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요? I lo..
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