티스토리 뷰

A: 어제말한대로 딸기 가져왔어요?

A: Did you bring the strawberry that we said yesterday?

▶ Did you bring the strawberry that we talk about (you said/told) yesterday?

※ say: 일반적인 사용

※ tell: 전달하는 내용

※ talk: 논의하는 내용


B: 네, 냉장고에 넣어 놨어요.

B: Yes I did, I kept into the refrigerator.

▶ Yes, I did. I left/put them in the refrigerator (fridge).

※ into: in + to 로서 좀 더 디테일하게 안쪽 방향을 의미할 때 사용

※ 냉장실: refrigerator (fridge).

※ 냉동실: freezer


A: 저도 가져왔어요. 언제 먹어요?

A: I bring too. When we eat it?

▶ I brought them too. when do we eat them?


B: 있다가 1시 10분 전에 먹죠.

B: We would eat later at before 10 minutes of 1 pm.

▶ Later, we can eat them 10 minutes earlier before 1 PM.

※ 영어권에서는 보통 정확한 시간을 말함


C: 제가 두 개 다 먹어보고 평가해드릴게요.

C: I eat both after, I should evaluate it.

▶ After, I eat both of you guys' strawberries, I am going to evaluate them.

※ ~해줄게: I am going to ~


B: 그냥 먹기나 해요.

B: You just eat it.

▶ shut up and go eat

▶ Save the words and go eat.


C: 왼쪽 것보다 오른쪽게 더 맛있네, 어디서 샀어요?

C: The strawberry is delicious at the right side more than the left side. Where did you buy it?

▶ The strawberry at the right is (much)* more delicious than the left one. Where did you buy it?

※ 모음(a,e,i,o,u)이 3개 이상 단어: beautiful - more beautiful/delicious - most beautiful/delicious


B: 인터넷에서 택배비 3,000원 포함해서 11,500원에 샀어요.

B: I bought it to 11,500 won include delivery cost 3,000 won on the internet.

▶ I paid for 11,500 won to buy this strawberry including 3,000 won of delivery fee/cost on the Internet.

※ 구입하다: buy/purchase + 상품

※ 지불하다: pay for + 가격


A: 저는 시장에서 사서 싸게 5~8,000원 정도에 샀어요.

A: I bought it cheap between 5,000 won and 8,000 won because I bought on the market.

▶ I bought strawberry cheaper price from 5,000 won to 8,000 won because they are from the local market.


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