Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterInsert Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty AfterInsert: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FAfterInsert write FAfterInsert;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent AfterInsert = {read=FAfterInsert, write=FAfterInsert};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeInsert Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeInsert: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeInsert write FBeforeInsert;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeInsert = {read=FBeforeInsert, write=FBeforeInsert};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeClose Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeClose: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeClose write FBeforeClose;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeClose = {read=FBeforeClose, write=FBeforeClose};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterOpenUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty AfterOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FAfterOpen write FAfterOpen;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent AfterOpen = {read=FAfterOpen, write=FAfterOpen};Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParenteventpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionOccurs / after an appl..
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeOpenUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeOpen write FBeforeOpen;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeOpen = {read=FBeforeOpen, write=FBeforeOpen};PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParenteventpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionOccurs before / an application / executes / a request to open a dataset.Write a Bef..
Data.DB.TDataSet.CheckBrowseModeUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure CheckBrowseMode;C++void __fastcall CheckBrowseMode(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionAutomatically posts or cancels / data changes / when the active record changes.CheckBrowseMode / is used internally / by many dataset methods / to ensure that m..
Data.DB.TDataSet.ModifiedUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty Modified: Boolean read FModified;C++__property bool Modified = {read=FModified, nodefault};PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentpropertypublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionIndicates / whether the active record is modified.Check Modified / to determine / if the active record is modified. If Modified is true, the ac..
Data.DB.TDataSet.StateUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty State: TDataSetState read FState;C++__property TDataSetState State = {read=FState, nodefault};PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentpropertypublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionIndicates / the current operating mode of the dataset.Examine State / to determine the current operating mode of the dataset. State / determine..
Data.DB.TDataSet.SetFieldsUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure SetFields(const Values: array of const);C++void __fastcall SetFields(System::TVarRec const *Values, const int Values_Size);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionSets the values / for all fields / in a record.Call SetFields / to set values for some or all fields..
Data.DB.TDataSet.InsertRecordUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure InsertRecord(const Values: array of const);C++void __fastcall InsertRecord(System::TVarRec const *Values, const int Values_Size);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionInserts a new, / popula..
Data.DB.TDataSet.ActiveUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive default False;C++__property bool Active = {read=GetActive, write=SetActive, default=0};Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentpropertypublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionSpecifies / whether or not a datas..
Data.DB.TDataSet.RefreshUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Refresh;C++void __fastcall Refresh(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionRe-fetches data / from the database / to update a dataset's view of data.Call Refresh / to ensure that an applicatio..
Data.DB.TDataSet.DeleteUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Delete;C++void __fastcall Delete(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionDeletes the active record / and positions the dataset on the next record.Call Delete / to remove the active record / from the database. If the dataset is inactive, / Delete raises an exce..
Data.DB.TDataSet.AppendUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Append;C++void __fastcall Append(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionAdds a new, / empty record / to the end of the dataset.For datasets that permit editing, / call Append to:Open a new, /..
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