출처: https://forge.medium.com/how-to-stop-overthinking-c3a98e81dc2a How to Stop Overthinking 멈추는 방법 / 많은 생각하기를 You’re missing out on what’s in front of you 당신은 놓치고 있다 / 무언가를 / 당신 앞에 있는 miss out on …을 놓치다. How many hours per day do you think? 얼마나 많은 시간을 / 하루당 / 당신은 생각하는가? 🙋♂️ Q. How many hours do you think "per day"? 처럼 순서를 바꿔도 가능한 것인지? “I never thought about that,” you’re probably saying. "나는 한번..
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate 동사구 1 소개 ■ 동사가 다른 특정 단어와 함께 쓰일 때 동사구라고 함. 동사 + in / on / up / away / around / about / over / by / out / off / down / back / through / along / forward / ... ※ 동사구로 자주 쓰이는 단어들 ex) The bus was full. We couldn't get on. get on(타다), drive off(출발하다), come back(돌아오다), turn around(돌아보다) break down(고장나다), take off(이륙하다), run out(다 써버리다), get along(친하게 지내다), get by(..
출처: https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/d23-expo-2019-all-the-movies-news-from-the-marvel-studios-presentation D23 Expo 2019: All the Movies News from the Marvel Studios Presentation Black Panther 2 Announced, More casting for The Eternals and a glimpse of Black Widow! announce 미국·영국 [əˈnaʊns] 1. 발표하다, 알리다 2. (공공장소에서) 방송으로 알리다 3. (큰 소리로 진지하게) 선언하다 glimpse 미국·영국 [ɡlɪmps] 1. (완전히는 못 보고) 잠깐 봄, 일..
incident 미국·영국 [ˈɪnsɪdənt] 1. (특히 특이하거나 불쾌한) 일 2. (범죄·사고 등의) 사건 3. (국가 간의, 흔히 무력이 개입되는) 사건 스크립트 Hi there! How are you guys? I am so excited about this episode. Because, I am finally going to do a "Draw my Life". My parents got stuck in a snow storm in Wisconsin on March 9th. get stuck 꼼짝 못하게 되다 I know that because, that's the the day I was born. They got so stuck on the way to the hospital....
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate like와 as ■ like: ...와 같은. as는 불가 전치사로 사용 시, like + 명사 / 대명사 / -ing ex) What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (as a palace ❌) 또한 like (사람/물건) -ing 구문으로 사용 가능 ex) "What's that noise?" "It sounds like a baby crying." ■ like: 예를 들어(for example) ex) Some sports, like race-car driving, can be dangerous. ■ as + 주어 + 동사: ...한 그대로 ex) I didn't move an..
스크립트 Hi! "Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day!" Here are ten of my favorites. 1) Do someone's chores for them. chore 미국·영국 [tʃɔː(r)] 1. (정기적으로 하는) 일 2. 하기 싫은 일 2) Hide sticky notes with positive messages ... for people to find. sticky 미국·영국 [ˈstɪki] 1. 끈적거리는, 끈적끈적한, 달라붙는 2. 스티커식의, (한 쪽을) 붙일 수 있는 3. 끈적끈적 무더운 3) Email a teacher who's made a positive difference in your life 4) Say "Please" an..
스크립트 Stacie, I'm starting! Uh...Yah, if you're really gonna do it. Yes! I'm doing it! So, my sisters and I have been doing some dance challenges. And Stacie...come on! Not today. Okay. Stacie has dared me to show a montage of my dance moves in exchange for doing my laundry for a week. dare 미국식 [der] 영국식 [deə(r)] 1. …할 용기가 있다, 감히 …하다, …할 엄두를 내다 2. (겁이 없음을 보여줄 수 있도록 위험하거나 힘들거나 곤란한 일을) ..
스크립트 1절 Another summer day is come on going to way in peris room I want to go home.=> Another summer day is come and gone away in Paris and Rome but I want to go home Maybe you so advise a million people eye so feel long alone so I want to go home.Maybe surrounded by a million people, I still feel all alone I just want to go home One miss you, you know.=> Oh, I miss you, you know And I keep in o..
스크립트 1절 Just because I wonder one place we will go => Just because I wander 'round the places we would go hopen better aren't to you one last time. => Hoping that I'd run into you one last time Just because I never to keep pictures of my phone => Just because I never took your picture off my phone doesn't mean it just an on my mind. => Doesn't mean that you're still on my..
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate no/none/any nothing/nobody 등 ■ no, none no + 명사 = 'not a' + 명사 또는 'not any' + 명사 ex 1) We had to walk home because there was no bus. (= there wasn't a bus) ex 2) There were no stores open. (= There weren't any stores open.) 'no + 명사'를 주어로 사용 가능 ex) No reason was given for the change of plan. 'none'은 명사 없이 단독으로 사용. (none ..
스크립트 Hello, everyone. It has been a while since I've had Chelsea on the vlog. It has been a while since ~한지 꽤 오래되었다. a while(= a long time) Hello, Chelsea. Hello, Barbie. Chelsea wants to be in charge of a magazine. in charge of 1. …을 맡아서, 담당해서 2. …에게 맡겨져, 위탁되어 I challenged Chelsea to make her own magazine and because she is a fearless, curious, brilliant child, she took me up on my challeng..
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate 의문문 2 (Do you know where ...? / He asked me where ...) ■ 의문사(What, Where 등으로 시작)가 뒤로 나올 때 어순이 '주어 + 동사' 순으로 바뀜 ex 1) Where has Tome gone? => Do you know where Tom has gone? ex 2) What time is it? => Do you know what time it is? ※ What time까지 의문문 ex 3) Where can I find Linda? => Can you tell me where I can find Linda? ■ do / does / did를 사용한 의문문은 바꿨을 때 다..
출처: https://www.polygon.com/reviews/2019/8/7/20756548/cyberpunk-red-jumpstart-kit-review-2077-prequel The team at CD Projekt Red has a well-earned reputation as masters of the computer role-playing genre. earn 미국식 [ɜːrn] 영국식 [ɜːn] 1. (일을 하여) (돈을) 벌다 2. (이자·수익 등을) 올리다 3. (그럴 만한 자격·자질이 되어서 무엇을) 얻다 reputation 미국식 [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn] 평판, 명성 Its work on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is regarded not just as a t..
스크립트 Hey, everybody! So, I've challenged Barbie to a Not My Arms Challenge. And I get to be the arms. get to be 될 것이다 And we don't know what the challenge is yet. I get to decide. get to 할 것이다 That's the role of a challenge. You ready? Uh... Yeah. What is it? Juggling. Yes, I love juggling! And don't worry, I'm really good at it, and I won't bonk your head. bonk 미국식 [bɑːŋk] 영국식 [bɒŋk] 1. 성교하다, 성..
주제: DocumentFragment https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DocumentFragment Example HTML JavaScript var list = document.querySelector('#list') var fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Melon'] var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment() fruits.forEach(function (fruit) { var li = document.createElement('li') li.innerHTML = fruit fr..
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate so와 such ■ so so + 형용사/부사 : so stupid, so quick, so nice, so quickly ex) I didn't like the book. The story was so stupid. ■ such such + 명사 : such a story, such people such + 형용사 + 명사 : such a stupid story, such nice people ex) I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid story. ★ such a ...: such a big dog (a such big dog 틀림) ■ so, such는 형용사 또는 부사의 의미를 강조 ex 1..
스크립트 SCARLETT: I'm so glad we're doing this. glad 미국·영국 [ɡlæd] 1. (사람이) 기쁜 2. 고마운 3. 기꺼이 …하려는 JOANNA: I know! I was just thinking that too. You know we should take a picture! SCARLETT: Yeah we should! JOANNA: Yeah, okay hold on one minute JOANNA: Okay, ready. Hold on, ready? JOANNA: One, two, three … snap BOTH: Oh, oh SCARLETT: **** JOANNA: That's okay. I think I got it before… JOANN..
출처: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/cyberpunk-2077-new-demonstration-to-the-polish-press-with-many-new-details.1492741/ Found on the official forum, someone translated the comments of the Polish press after a new demo: press 미국·영국 [pres] 1. 신문(과 잡지), 언론 2. (신문과 잡지 분야에서 일하는) 언론인들 3. (언론에서의) 평가 - We can start a conversation with an NPC without leaving our bike or car. It works like a classic dynami..
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate myself/yourself/themselves ■ 재귀대명사. 주어와 목적어가 같을 때 사용 단수: myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself 복수: ourselves, yourselves, themselves ex 1) I don't want you to pay for me. I'll pay for myself. ex 2) Do you talk to yourself sometimes? talk to yourself 혼잣말하다 ex 3) If you want more to eat, help yourselves. Help yourself. (음식 등을) 마음대로 드시오. ■ feel/relax/c..
출처: http://lp.gog.com/night-city-news-1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=20190706_nl_night_city_news_EN&utm_term=EN&track_click=1&link_id=cover Legendary chrome rock music band SAMURAI will come to life in Cyberpunk 2077 thanks to a cooperation with the acclaimed Swedish punk rock formation Refused. ※ acclaim 미국·영국 [əˈkleɪm] : 1. 칭송하다, 환호를 보내다, 2. (특히 예술적 업적에 대한) 찬사 They will ..
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