티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


so와 such

■ so

so + 형용사/부사 : so stupid, so quick, so nice, so quickly

ex) I didn't like the book. The story was so stupid.


■ such

such + 명사 : such a story, such people

such + 형용사 + 명사 : such a stupid story, such nice people

ex) I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid story.

★ such a ...: such a big dog (a such big dog 틀림)


■ so, such는 형용사 또는 부사의 의미를 강조

ex 1) It's so warm.

ex 2) He talks so quietly.


so ... that ...: 너무 ...해서 ...하다

ex) The book was so good that I couldn't put it down.


such ... that ...: 너무 ...이어서 ...하다

ex) It was such a good book that I couldn't put it down.


that은 일반적으로 생략

ex 1) I was so tired I fell asleep.

ex 2) It was such nice weather we spent ...


■ so, such는 'like this' (이렇게, 이처럼, 이와 같은)의 의미로 사용

ex 1) I'm tired because I got up at six. I don't usually get up so early.

ex 2) I didn't realize it was such an old house.


no such ...: 그런 ...는 없다

ex) You won't find the word 'blid' in the dictionary. There's no such word.


■ so, such 비교 사용 예

so long / such a long time

so far / such a ling way

so much, so many / such a lot (of)





so / such / such a를 써 넣기.

ex 1) It's difficult to understand him because he speaks so quietly.

ex 2) I like Liz and Joe. They're such nice people.

ex 3) It was a great vacation. We had such a good time.

✅ 4) I was surprised that he looked so good after his recent illness.

illness 미국·영국 [ˈɪlnəs] 1. 병, 아픔 2. (특정 종류의) 병

✅ 5) Everything is so expensive these days, isn't it?

these days (과거와 비교해서) 요즘에는

✅ 6) The weather is beautiful, isn't it? I didn't expect it to be such a nice day.

✅ 7) I have to go. I didn't realize it was so late.

💡 8) He always looks good. He wears such a nice clothes.

=> such

✅ 9) It was such a boring movie that I fell asleep while I was watching it.

✅ 10) I couldn't believe the news. It was such a shock.

✅ 11) I think she works too hard. She looks so tired all the time.

💡 12) The food at the hotel was so awful. I've never eaten such an awful food.

=> so ... such

✅ 13) They've got so much money that they don't know what to do with it.

✅ 14) I didn't realize you lived such a long way from downtown.

❌ 15) The party was really great. It was so shame you couldn't come.

=> such a


so 또는 such를 사용하여 두 문장을 한 문장으로 만들기.

■ 시작 그룹

1) She worked hard.

2) It was a beautiful day.

3) I was tired.

4) We had a good time on vacation.

5) She speaks English well.

6) I've got a lot to do.

7) The music was loud.

8) I had a big breakfast.

9) It was terrible weather.

10) I was surprised.

■ 종료 그룹

1) You could hear it from miles away.

mile 미국·영국 [maɪl] 1. 마일(거리 단위. 1 609미터 또는 1 760야드에 해당), 2. 수마일(넓은 지역·긴 거리), 3. 대단히 많이; 훨씬

2) You would think it was her native language.

3) We spent the whole day indoors.

indoor (indoors) 미국식 [ˈɪndɔː(r)] 실내의, 실내용의

4) She made herself sick.

5) I couldn't keep my eyes open.

6) I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.

7) We decided to go to the beach.

8) I didn't know what to say.

9) I don't know where to begin.

10) We didn't want to come home.


ex 1) She worked so hard (that) she made herself sick.

ex 2) It was such a beautiful day (that) we decided to go to the beach.

✅ 3) I was so tired (that) I couldn't keep my eyes open.

✅ 4) We had such a good time on vation (that) we didn't want to come home.

✅ 5) She speaks English so well (that) you would think it was her native language.

=> She speaks such good English ...

✅ 6) I've got such a lot to do (that) I don't know where to begin.

=> I've got so much ...

✅ 7) The music was so loud (that) you could hear it from miles away.

✅ 8) I had such a big breakfast (that) I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.

💡 9) It was such a terrible weather (that) we spent the whole day indoors.

=> such

✅ 10) I was so surprised (that) I didn't know what to say.


자신의 생각대로 문장 완성하기.

ex 1-1) We enjoyed our vacation. It was so relaxing.

ex 1-2) We enjoyed our vacation. We had such a good time.

🤔 2-1) I like Catherine. She's so pretty.

=> friendly

🤔 2-2) I like Catheine. She's such a beautiful girl.

=> a nice person

🤔 3-1) I like New York. It's so awesome.

=> lively

🤔 3-2) I like New York. It's such a huge city.

=> an exciting place

🤔 4-1) I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's so hard.

=> exhausting

exhausting 미국식 [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪŋ] 진을 빼는, 기진맥진하게 만드는

🤔 4-2) I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's such a tired job.

=> a difficult job

🤔 5-1) It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for so long.

🤔 5-2) It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for such a long time.

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