티스토리 뷰
SCARLETT: I'm so glad we're doing this.
glad 미국·영국 [ɡlæd] 1. (사람이) 기쁜 2. 고마운 3. 기꺼이 …하려는
JOANNA: I know! I was just thinking that too. You know we should take a picture!
SCARLETT: Yeah we should! JOANNA: Yeah, okay hold on one minute
JOANNA: Okay, ready. Hold on, ready?
JOANNA: One, two, three … snap
BOTH: Oh, oh SCARLETT: ****
JOANNA: That's okay. I think I got it before…
JOANNA: OH. MY. GOD. Scarlett, look.
sparkly princess rainbow noise
JOANNA: That is the cutest dog I've ever seen!
SCARLETT: It's so fluffy!
fluffy 미국·영국 [ˈflʌfi] 1. 솜털의, 솜털로 뒤덮인 2. 거품 같은 3. 푹신해 보이는, 솜털 같은
fluff (fluffy) 미국·영국 [flʌf] 1. (옷 등의) 보풀 2. (동물이나 새의) 솜털 3. 질 낮은 오락물
JOANNA: I wanna pet it!
pet 미국·영국 [pet] [타동사][VN] (특히 美) (동물아이를 다정하게) 어루만지다[쓰다듬다]
SCARLETT: I need a picture, let's go.
Joanna gasp
JOANNA: Oh no...
looming music
JOANNA: I really want to pet that dog, but I do not want to talk to that guy.
SCARLETT: Oh my god, is he eating a raw onion?
grossed out noise
JOANNA: He's totally using that dog to talk to girls.
JOANNA: And it's totally working.
SCARLETT: No, Joanna, you can not go over there. It's just gonna lead him on.
lead somebody on (특히 거짓말로) ~를 유혹하다
Mild Hulk noises JOANNA: Not fair!
JOANNA: Ugh, you're right, you're right. It's not like I need to pet that dog.
cuteness overload
JOANNA: Oh my god he just waved!
JOANNA: If only I could just touch it.
if only …이면 좋을 텐데(소망을 나타냄)
SCARLETT: Snap out of it, Joanna. It's not worth it. What about the guy?
Snap out of it. 중지하라.
worth 미국식 [wɜːrθ] 영국식 [wɜːθ] 1. (금전 등의 면에서) …의 가치가 있는 2. (권고추천의 뜻으로 써서) ~할 가치가 있는 3. (특히 힘이 들거나 애를 써야 하지만) ~의/~할 만한 가치가 있는
SCARLETT: He just spilled mustard on his arm. Who even carries around mustard?
spill 미국·영국 [spɪl] 1. 흐르다, 쏟아지다; 흘리다, 쏟다 2. 쏟아져 나오다 3. 유출; 흘린 액체, 유출물
carry around 휴대하다, 들고 다니다
JOANNA: Eww...
JOANNA: He just licked his own arm.
lick 미국·영국 [lɪk] 1. 핥다 2. 핥아먹다 3. 혀를 날름거리다
JOANNA: Aww, he just licked his own arm!
SCARLETT: But I mean, it could be cuter.
JOANNA: Yeah. No, you're right, you're right. It's not like one of those dogs with accessories.
JOANNA: Oh my god, he just put a bow on it.
bow2 미국식 [boʊ] 영국식 [bəʊ] 1. 활 2. 나비 모양(매듭리본) 3. (바이올린 등을 켜는) 활
JOANNA: It's an ugly bow. It's just a…
JOANNA: Ugly tongue...
SCARLETT: No, resist!
resist 미국·영국 [rɪˈzɪst] 1. (어떤 일을 받아들이지 않고) 저항하다 2. (공격 등에) 저항하다 3. (몹시 하고 싶은 것을 하지 않고) 참다
JOANNA: That's evil, just evil!
JOANNA: Oh! Scarlett, I've an idea. Why don't you go talk to the guy, while I pet the dog?
JOANNA: Oh, come on! You owe me.
JOANNA: Remember that time I talked to that total creeper at the bar, so that you could get closer to Jay?
that time 그 때
creeper 괴상한 사람
SCARLETT: Remember that time I took credit for your fart in gym class?
take credit: 믿는다
fart 미국식 [fɑːrt] 영국식 [fɑːt] 명사(금기어, 속어) (특히 소리가 크게 나는) 방귀
SCARLETT: They called me Shartlett for a month!
JOANNA laugh
JOANNA: Well, remember when I sat through all three High School Musical movies with you?
sat sit의 과거, 과거분사
through 미국·영국 [θruː] 1. …을 통해, … 사이로(무엇의 한쪽 끝면에서 다른 한쪽 끝면으로 나아가거나 이어짐을 나타냄) 2. ~을 사이에 두고 보다, 듣다 등 3. <어떤 활동·상황·시기의 처음부터 끝까지>
SCARLETT: You didn't enjoy that?
SACHI bark
JOANNA: Aw, come on! He wants us to pet him.
JOANNA: Look! He's looking right at us!
SACHI: Damn, I really want that muffin.
SACHI: But I really don't want to talk to those girls...
SACHI: No, no, no. No, no! No, nooooooo.
SACHI: No, no, nooo.
SACHI: Aw, man!
SACHI: My muffin!
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