티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


동사구 1 소개

■ 동사가 다른 특정 단어와 함께 쓰일 때 동사구라고 함.

동사 + in / on / up / away / around / about / over / by / out / off / down / back / through / along / forward / ...

※ 동사구로 자주 쓰이는 단어들


ex) The bus was full. We couldn't get on.

get on(타다), drive off(출발하다), come back(돌아오다), turn around(돌아보다)

break down(고장나다), take off(이륙하다), run out(다 써버리다), get along(친하게 지내다), get by(그럭저럭 해내다)


■ 동사구 뒤에 전치사가 오는 경우도 있음

run away from(...에게서 도망치다), keep up with(...와 보조를 맞추다), look up at(...를 올려다보다), look forward to(...를 고대하다), get along with(...와 잘 지내다)


■ 동사구에 목적어가 있을 때

ex case 1) 동사구 + 목적어 = I turned on the light.

ex case 2) 동사구 앞 + 목적어 + 동사구 뒤 = I turned the light on.

목적어가 대명사(it/them/me/him 등)일 경우, 목적어는 가운데에 위치해야 함.





A의 동사와 B의 단어를 합친 동사구를 사용하여 문장을 완성하기. 동사는 알맞는 형태로 바꾸고, 각 단어는 여러 번 사용 가능.

A - fly / get / go / look / run / sit

B - around / away / by / down / on / out / up

ex 1) The bus was full. We couldn't get on.

✅ 2) I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going to sit down for a bit.

❌ 3) A cat tried to catch the bird, but the bird ran away just in time.

=> flew away

✅ 4) We were trapped in the building. We couldn't get out.

✅❌ 5) "Did you get fish at the store?" "I couldn't. They had get away."

=> run out

✅ 6) "Do you speak German?" "Not very well, but I can get by."

💡 7) The cost of living is higher now. Prices have go up a lot.

=> gone up

go up 1. (건물이) 올라가다 2. (무대의 막이) 올라가다 3. (화재·폭발로) 소실되다 4. (가격·기온 등이) 오르다

✅ 8) I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I looked around, there was nobody there.


A와 B의 단어를 하나씩 넣어 문장을 완성하기. 각 단어는 여러 번 사용 가능.

A - along / away / back / forward / in / up

B - at / through / to / with

ex 1) You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.

❌ 2) My vacation is nearly over. Next week I'll be back to work.

=> back at

❌ 3) We went ? the top floor of the building to admire the view.

=> up to

admire 미국·영국 [ədˈmaɪə(r)] 1. 존경하다, 칭찬하다 2. 감탄하며 바라보다

✅ 4) Are you looking forward to the party next week?

❌ 5) There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got along with $50,000.

=> away with

robbery 미국식 [ˈrɑːb-] 영국식 [ˈrɒbəri] (특히 협박·폭력을 이용하는) 강도 (사건)

robber 미국식 [ˈrɑːb-] 영국식 [ˈrɒbə(r)] (특히 협박·폭력을 이용하는) 강도(사람)

get away with something 1. ~을 훔쳐 달아나다 2. (비교적 가벼운 처벌을) 받다 3. (나쁜 짓을 하고도) 처벌을 모면하다

❌ 6) I love to look up to the stars in the sky at night.

=> up at

❌ 7) I was sitting in the kitchen when suddenly a bird flew into the open window.

=> in through

❌ 8) "Why did Sally quit her job?" "She didn't get away with her co-workers."

=> along with

along with somebody/something ~에 덧붙여; ~와 마찬가지로

along with... ...와 함께...에 따라.


아래의 동사구 + it/them/me를 사용하여 문장 완성하기.

fill out / get out / give back / turn on / take off / wake up

ex 1) They gave me a form and told me to fill out.

✅ 2) I'm going to bed now. Can you wake me up at 6:30?

✅ 3) I've got something in my eye and I can't get it out.

❌ 4) I don't like it when people borrow things and don't give it back.

=> give them back

✅ 5) I want to use the heater. How do I turn it on?

✅ 6) My shoes are dirty. I'd better take them off before going into the house.


자신의 생각대로 문장 완성하기. 명사(this newspaper 등) 또는 대명사(it/them 등) + 괄호 안의 단어(away/up 등)을 사용하기.

ex 1) Don't throw away this newspaper. I want to read it. (away)

ex 2) "Do you want this postcard?" "No, you can throw it away." (away)

🤔 3) I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take give them back tomorrow. (back)

=> them back

🤔 4) We can turn the TV off. Nobody is watching it. (off)

🤔 5) A: How did the vase get broken?

B: Unfortunately, I knocked it over while I was cleaning. (over)

vase 미국식 [veɪs;veɪz] 영국식 [vɑːz] 꽃병

knock somebody out 1. ~를 곯아떨어지게 하다 2. ~를 녹아웃시키다 3. ~를 깜작 놀라게 하다

knock something out (빨리, 손쉽게) ~을 뚝딱 만들어 내다

🤔 6) Shh! My mother is asleep. I don't want to wake her up. (up)

🤔 7) It's pretty cold. You should put the coat on if you're going out. (on)

🤔 8) It was only a small fire. I was able to put it out easily. (out)

🤔 9) I took off my boots because they were uncomfortable and my feet were hurting. (off)

🤔 10) It's a little dark in this room. Should I turn the light on? (on)

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