티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


like와 as

■ like: ...와 같은. as는 불가

전치사로 사용 시, like + 명사 / 대명사 / -ing

ex) What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (as a palace ❌)


또한 like (사람/물건) -ing 구문으로 사용 가능

ex) "What's that noise?" "It sounds like a baby crying."


■ like: 예를 들어(for example)

ex) Some sports, like race-car driving, can be dangerous.


■ as + 주어 + 동사: ...한 그대로

ex) I didn't move anything. I left everything as it was.

※ 구어체에서는 같은 의미로 as 대신 like 가능


as - ex) You should have done it as I showed you. (or like I showed you)

like - ex) You should have done it like this. (as this ❌)


as usual / as always: 평소와 같이 / 언제나 그렇듯이

ex 1) You're late as usual.

ex 2) As always, Nick was the first to complain.


■ do + as + 주어 + 동사: ...한 대로 하다

ex) You can do as you like. (= do what you like)


as you know / as I said / as she expected / as I thought 등: ...하는 것처럼 / ... 하다시피


■ as(전치사): ...로서, ...의 지위/자격/형태로

ex) A few years ago I worked as a taxi driver.





다음 문장 중 일부는 as가 아닌 like를 사용해야 함. 틀린 문장을 찾아서 고치기. 맞는 문장은 OK

ex 1) It's raining again. I hate weather as this.

=> weather like this

ex 2) Ann failed her driving test, as she expected.

=> OK

✅ 3) Do you think Carol looks as her mother?

-> like

✅ 4) Tim gets on my nerves. I can't stand people as him.

-> like

nerve 미국식 [nɜːrv] 영국식 [nɜːv] 1. 신경 2. 긴장, 불안 3. (어려움위험에 맞서는) 용기, 대담성

✅ 5) Why didn't you do it as I told you to do it?

-> OK

✅6) Brian is a student. as most of his friends.

-> like

✅7) You never listen. Talking to you is as talking to the wall.

-> like

✅8) As I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job.

-> OK

✅9) Tom's idea seemed to be a good one, so we did as he suggested.

-> OK

✅ 10) I'll call you tomorrow as usual, OK?

-> OK

✅ 11) Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was as a bomb exploding.

-> like

✅ 12) She's a very good swimmer. She swims as a fish.

-> like


like/as + 아래의 단어를 사용하여 문장 완성하기.

a beginner, a child, blocks of ice, a church, a palace, a birthday present, winter, a tour guide

ex 1) This house is beautiful. Its like a palace.

✅ 2) My feet are really cold. They're like blocks of ice.

✅ 3) I've been playing tennis for years, but I still play like a beginner.

✅ 4) Margaret once had a part-time job as a tour guide.

✅ 5) I wonder what that building with the tower is. It looks like a church.

✅ 6) My brother gave me this watch as a birthday present a long time ago.

✅ 7) Its very cold for the middle of summer. It's like winter.

✅ 8) He's 22 years old, but he sometimes behaves like a child.

behave 미국·영국 [bɪˈheɪv] 1. (특정한 방식으로) 처신하다 2. 예의 바르게 행동하다 3. 행동이 …한


like 또는 as 써 넣기. 어떤 문장은 두 가지 모두 가능.

ex 1) We heard a noise like a baby crying.

✅ 2) Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak like you.

✅ 3) Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do as you like.

✅ 4) You waste too much time doing things like sitting in cafés all day.

waste 미국·영국 [weɪst] 1. (돈시간 등을 필요 이상으로 들여) 낭비하다 2. (가치를 인정받지 못하거나 엉뚱한 곳에) 헛되이 주다 3. (제대로 이용하지 못하고) 낭비하다

✅ 5) I wish I had a car like yours.

✅ 6) You don't need to change your clothes. You can go out as you are.

💡 => as/like

✅ 7) My neighbor's house is full of lots of interesting things. It's like a museum.

✅ 8) We saw Kevin last night. He was very cheerful, as always.

✅ 9) Sally has been working as a waitress for the last two months.

✅ 10) While we were on vacation, we spent most of our time doing active things like sailing, water skiing, and swimming.

sailing 미국·영국 [ˈseɪlɪŋ] 1. 보트 타기 2. (정기 여객선 등이 정해진 시간에 하는) 출항

✅ 11) You're different from the other people I know. I don't know anyone like you.

❌ 12) We don't need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them like a study.

=> as

❌ 13) The news that Sue and Gary were getting married came like a complete surprise to me.

=> as

✅ 14) Like her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

✅ 15) At the moment I've got a temporary job in a bookstore. It's OK as a temporary job, but I wouldn't like to do it permanently.

permanently 미국·영국 [pə́:rmənəntli] 영구히, (영구) 불변으로

✅ 16) As you can imagine, we were very tired after such a long trip.

✅ 17) This tea is awful. It tastes like water.

✅ 18) I think I preferred this room as it was, before we decorated it.

💡 => as/like

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