티스토리 뷰

A: 방 탈출 카페 목요일에 예약했어요. 7시까지니깐 6시가 되면 바로 나가야 해요.

A: I reserved the escape room cafe on Thursday of this week. We should go out of the office at 6 o'clock because we should arrive until 7 o'clock.

※ until ~까지: 주어 + 동사

▶ I made a reservation/booked the escape room cafe on this Thursday (on Thursday (in) next week). We should go out of/leave the office at 6 PM sharp/on time because/since we should arrive/get the place by 7PM.


B: 저 그때 회의 할 수도 있어요.

B: I may have a meeting at the time.

▶ I might/may have a meeting around the time.

※ 불확실한 것은 might를 주로 사용

※ at: 정확한 시점

※ around: 전/후 (근처) = 그때쯤


C: 밥 먹을 시간도 없나요?

C: Have we not enough a dinner time?

▶ Don't we have time to eat?

※ (의문문 + 주어 + 본 동사), (본 동사 = 일반동사 -> 의문문: Do(복수)/Does(단수))


A: 네, 없어요. 퇴근 시간이라 사람이 많을 거예요.

A: No, we have not. People will be many on our way to there because of the quitting time.

quitting time : [명사] 퇴근시간

▶ No, we don't have enough time to eat. There must be a lot of people on our way because of rush hour.

※ must be: 사람이 많을 것이라는 예상이 거의 확실할 때 사용

※ rush hour: 출/퇴근 시간 때


B: 강남이라고 했나요? 강남은 집에서 너무 멀어.

B: Is place Gangnam? Gangnam is too far from my home.

Was it the place in Gangnam? It is too far away from my home to Gangnam.


C: 다른 곳은 이미 꽉 차서 선택 할 수 없었어요.

C: We could not choose because the other cafe already booked out.

▶ We couldn't/cannot becasue/since the other cafes already have been booked.

※ cannot을 주로 사용

※ cannot과 can not의 차이: not을 따로 사용하면 공식적 or 강조

※ already 뒤에는 have been

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