티스토리 뷰

How did you know that?, How can you know all that?


어떻게 알았지?

How did you know that?

▶ How do/did you know that?


어떻게 다 알지?

How can you know all that?

▶︎ How can you know all of that?


알아야 할 필요가 있나요?

Should I need to know that?

▶︎ Do I need to know that?

※ should, could, would, might: 예의 갖출 때

※ do: 편하게 할 때


어떻게 알아낼 거예요?

How will you find out that?

▶︎ How do you find out?


알아낼 수 있어요?

Could you figure out that?

▶︎ Can you figure out (this problem/that)?

※ Can: 가능성을 물어볼 경우에 적합


알기 어렵지 않나요?

Don't we difficult to find out that?

▶︎ Don't we feel difficult to find out that?

▶︎ Isn't it difficult for us to know/find out/figure out?

※ This is our problem, isn't it?

※ You are hungry, aren't you?

-> 되물을 때: be동사 + not + 주어

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