티스토리 뷰

Have I come at a bad time?


(두 사람이 의견 대립 하는 중)

(Two people are taking issue)

▶︎ Two people are arguing.

※ taking issue: 사용하지 않는 표현


Q. Kim, 제가 들어가도 될까요?

Q. Kim, have I come at a bad time?

▶︎ Kim, am I in a bad time?

▶︎ Kim, may/can I come in?


A. 미안한데, 좀 있다 다시 와주실래요?

A. I am sorry, could you come back after a while, please?

▶︎ My apology, could you come back in 10 minutes, please?


A. 미안해요. 금방 끝나니깐 잠깐만 기다려주세요.

A. I am sorry. Wait a minute, please. I will finish soon.

▶︎ My bad, we will finish soon, please wait for a second.

※ 주요 할 말을 먼저 말함.


A. 네, 마침 찾고 있었어요.

A. Yes, I have been finding you and you came here at just the right time.

▶︎ I have been looking for you and you came here just the right time.

▶︎ Of course, I have been waiting for you, and you just came here at the right time.

※ finding: 사물을 찾는데 적합


A. 네, 와서 이 얘기 좀 들어봐요.

A. Yes, come here and listen to this story.

▶︎ Yes, come on in, and let's talk about it.

※ come here: 적당한 거리를 둔 상태에서 부를 때에 적합

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