티스토리 뷰

Why are we going this way? It's just another way to go.


우리 왜 이쪽으로 가요?

Why are we going this way?

※ be going to ~ : ~할 예정이다 = be gonna (going to)

※ be ~ing : ~하는 중이다.


새로운 길을 찾았어요. 이쪽으로 가도 돼요.

I found a new way. It's just another way to go.

▶︎ I know another way. We are good to go this way.


우리가 다니던 길보다 빨라요?

Are we possible to arrive fastest than we have been passed the way?

▶ Are we possible to arrive much faster than we (used to arrive) arrived through the previous path?

▶︎ Is it faster than the way we used to go?

※ fastest 와 같은 최상급은 3개 이상을 비교할 때 사용


제가 저번에 가봤는데 빠른건 아니지만, 사람이 별로 없어서 편하게 갈 수 있어요. 저를 믿어요.

I went the way lately. I couldn't arrive to fast at the place but we can go easily because a few people on the way. Just believe me.

▶ I went the way lately. I couldn't arrive fast at the place but we can go easily because of a few people on the way. Just believe me / Trust me.

▶ I took the way lately. I couldn't be fast to arrive at the place but it is easy to go because there are a few people on the way.

▶︎ Last time I went, it was not a shortcut, but there are fewer people so that we can go through easily. Trust me.

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