티스토리 뷰

Why are you hounding me, Just get your coat.


야, 아직도 준비중이야?

Hey, do you still be preparing?

▶︎ Hey, are you still getting ready?

※ ~하냐, ~하고 있냐

  1. 의문문 - do you + 일반동사?
  2. 지금 - 현재 진행형 - be동사 + ~ing - Are you ~? ex) Hey, do you still prepare?


왜그렇게 달달 볶는거야? 천천히 좀 하자.

Why are you hounding me? Just let's slow down.

▶︎ Why are you annoying me? Take it easy.


안돼, 이러다간 늦어. 그냥 옷이나 걸쳐. 뛰어가야 해.

No, we are running late if you keep acting slow. Just get your coat. We should run right now.

▶︎ No, we could be late if we do not hurry. Get your clothes on, and let's go.

▶︎ No, we can be late unless we hurry. Get your clothes on. We should run right now.

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