티스토리 뷰

I came as soon as I heard you message.


안녕 마이크, 김이 오면 나한테 와달라고 전달해주세요.

Hi Mike, if Kim come back here, you should talk to him come to me, please.

▶︎ Hi Mike, I want you to tell Kim that he needs to come to see me if Kim would come, please.


네, 그렇게 할게요.

I will tell him.

▶︎ Okay, will do.


메시지 듣자마자 왔어요.

I came as soon as I heard your message.

▶︎ I came here as soon as I got your message.


생각보다 빨리 왔네요. 잠시 기달려주세요.

You have come quickly to me. Wait a minute, please.

▶︎ You came early. Wait for a minute, please.

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