티스토리 뷰

I will handle this, okay?


이 이슈는 처리하기 좀 까다롭겠네요.

This issue is difficult solve.

▶ This issue is difficult to solve.

▶︎ This issue is difficult to deal with.

deal with something

(문제·과제 등을) 처리하다


그래도 중요하니깐 이번에 해야해요.

Nevertheless, It is important and we are must doing this time.

▶ Nevertheless, It is important and we must do it this time.

▶︎ However, we need to take care of this issue because it is important this time.


이건 내가 맡을게, 알겠지?

So, I will handle this, okay?

▶︎ I will take this, okay?


좋아요, 그럼 전 남은 다른 이슈를 처리할게요.

Good, then I'm going to solve the other remaining issues.

▶︎ Awesome, then I will take care of the rest of the issue.

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