티스토리 뷰

What's the big deal anyway?


사람들이 일어서 있네요. 근데 무슨 일이에요?

People are standing up. What's the big deal anyway?

▶︎ People are standing. What's up?/What is going on?/What is happening?

※ 서있다를 말할 때는 up을 사용하지 않음.


인터넷이 안돼서 그런가봐요.

Maybe the internet is not available.

▶︎ I guess that the internet is not working.

▶︎ The internet is probably not working.


네트워크 담당자를 불러야겠네요.

So then, we should call a network manager.

▶︎ We should call someone from the IT department.



They're on their way.


담당자에게 연락해봤나요?

Did you call the manager?

▶︎ Did you call the person?


네. 지금 온다고 하네요.

Yes, they're on their way.

▶︎ Yes, he is on his way.

▶︎ Yes, she is on her way.

▶︎ Yes, I am on my way. = On my way. (OMW)


일할게 많은데 빨리 고쳐졌으면 좋겠네요.

I hope to fix quickly. I have a lot of work.

▶ I hope to fix it quick. I have a lot of work.

▶︎ I wish they could fix it fast/quick because I have a lot of work to do.

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