티스토리 뷰

Is there a problem here?


문제라도 있나요?

Is there a problem here?


네, 지금 서버가 멈춰서 이용할 수가 없는 상황입니다.

Yes, We can't available our service because a server down now.

▶ Yes, we can't be available our service because of our server down now.

▶︎ Yes, our service is unavailable now because a server has been shut down.

※ 조동사 다음에 형용사를 사용할 때는 앞에 be 추가.


되는대로 빨리 고쳐주시고 끝나면 알려주세요.

As soon as possible fix it and if you have done it tell me, please.

▶︎ Let me know when you fix it ASAP (as soon as possible), please.



Could not be a worse time.


김, 이리 와서 도와줘요. 이 책상 좀 같이 저리로 옮겨줄 수 있나요?

Kim, come here, help me. Could you this desk move to there with me?

▶︎ Kim, come over here to help me. Could you move this desk over there with me?

※ 가까이 있을 땐 here, 거리가 좀 있을 땐 over here.


죄송해요, 지금은 시간이 없어요.

Sorry, could not be a worse time.

▶︎ I am sorry, I don't have time to help you right now.

▶︎ I am sorry, I got something to do.

▶︎ I am sorry, I am in the middle of something.

▶︎ I am sorry, I am busy right now.

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