티스토리 뷰

When did we decide all this?


아직 할일이 많이 남아 있나요?

Have you a lot of to do yet?

Do you have a lot to do yet?

▶︎ Do you still have a lot of something to do?


네. 지금 하고 있는게 생각보다 오래걸려서 진행이느리네요.

Yes, it make much slow a progress that I do now than I thought.

▶ Yes, it makes much slower progress that I am working on/doing now than (that) I thought.

▶︎ Yes, I do. This process takes much longer time than what I thought.


할일이 뭐가 있는지 보여줘요.

Show me your to do list.

▶︎ Show me what you are working on.


언제 이런 걸 다 하기로 했나요?

When did we decide all this?


저번 회의 때 결정 됐었어요.

Those were decided when our meeting last time.

▶︎ Those were decided from/in our last meeting.

※ when + 주어 + 동사

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