티스토리 뷰

You didn't need to do that.


오, 웬 커피에요?

Wow, why do you give me this coffee?

▶︎ Oh, what is this coffee?

※ do는 생략 가능


저번에 도와준 것에 대한 답례에요.

The coffee is a reward that you helped me last time.

▶ This is coffee for you helping me last time.

▶︎ I would like to appreciate you helping me last time.


이럴 필요 없었는데.

You didn't need to do that.

▶︎ You don't have to do this.


아니에요, 덕분에 일이 쉽게 해결되었어요. 고마워요.

No, I solved easily problems by your favor. Thank you.

▶︎ No, everything went well thanks to you. Appreciate it.


별 말씀을요. 다음에도 도움이 필요하시면 말씀하세요.

Don't mention it. If you need to help, call me again.

▶ Don't mention it. If you need help, call me again.

▶︎ No worries. Let me know if you need help anytime.

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