티스토리 뷰

Can't imagine you working. Why'd you quit?


킴, 개발한지 얼마나 됐어요?

Kim, how long have you been programming work?

▶︎ Kim, how long have you been doing programming work?


2년 정도 되었네요.

I have been about 2 years.

▶︎ I have been doing about for 2 years.

▶︎ It has been about 2 years now.


오, 벌써 그렇게 되었나요? 이전엔 뭐 했어요?

Oh, is it already? What did you before?

▶ Oh, is it already? What did you do before?

▶︎ Oh, is it already? What did you do before you are a programmer?


게임 기획자였었어요.

I was a game designer.


상상이 안돼요. 왜 그만뒀죠?

Can't imagine you working of game design. Why'd you quit?

▶︎ I can't imagine you were working as a game designer. Why did you quit?


게임이 좀 지겹기도 했고, 늦기 전에 개발을 해보고 싶었어요.

When I at the time, I felt boring a game and then I wanted to do to programming before it's too late.

▶︎ I was bored (of)* a game, and I wanted to work programming before it is too late.

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