티스토리 뷰

회사 동료들과 피자를 먹었다.

나는 먹었다 / 피자를 / 회사 동료들과

I ate a pizza with my co-workers.

▶︎ I had a pizza with co-workers.



종류는 시카고 피자이고, 크기는 10인치이며 총 4명이서 먹었다.

4명이서 먹었다 / 피자를 / 크기가 10인치인 / 그리고 종류는 시카고 피자인

The four people has the pizza which Chicago style and the size was 10 inch.

▶︎ Four people had a pizza which is Chicago style pizza, and the pizza size is 10 inches.



반은 불고기 맛이고, 나머지 반은 새우가 들어갔다.

피자의 절반은 불고기 토핑이 있었다 / 나머지 반은 포함되어 있다 / 새우가

There was half of the pizza with Bulgogi topping and the other was half of the pizza with shrimp.

▶︎ The half of the pizza was made with Bulgogi topping, and the other half was with shrimp topping.



불고기 1개, 새우 1개를 먹었는데 두께가 두꺼워서 그런지 배가 불렀다.

나는 먹었다 / 피자 1조각 / 불고기가 포함된 / 그리고 피자 1조각 / 새우가 포함된 / 그리고나서 나는 배가 불렀다 / 왜냐하면 피자의 두께가 두꺼워서

I ate a peace of the pizza with Bulgogi and a peace of the pizza with shrimp and then I was 배가 부른 because it was 두께가 두꺼운

▶︎ I had a piece of Bulgogi pizza and another piece of shrimp pizza, and then I was full because the pizza dough was thick.



맛은 특별하지 않고 보이는데로의 맛이었다.

맛은 않았다 / 특별하지 / 그냥 보이는 것과 같다

It taste was not a special just a like to what looks like.

▶︎ The taste was not that special and it is just like what it looks like.

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