티스토리 뷰
How come no one invited Phil?
어째서 (…인가)?
It's your party
Hey Wes, Ted. I'm gunna head out but
※ head out: 1. …으로 향하다[for], 2. 출발하다; 전기를 맞다
Thank you so much for hosting. I've never been to a Martin Luther King Jr. day party before
It's always been a dream of mine to throw one
you good to drive?
Ah, actually Chris is going to take me home
(scoffs) then laughs
What's so funny?
★ Doesn't Chris live like an hour in the opposite direction?
Yeah, he said it was no trouble
He like's you. Okay, we called the day you guys met.
Nooo, we're just friends. He even said so himself
A friend wouldn't offer to drive an hour out of his way just to take you home.
Well maybe in your insensitive driven world, but believe it or not guys and girls can be just friends
※ insensitive 미국·영국 [ɪnˈsensətɪv]: 1. (남의 기분에) 둔감한, 몰이해한, 2. (상황 변화를) 의식하지 못하는, 3. 무감각한
Look, Megan. I hate to blow the secret for all the guys out there
But, a guy that want's to be friends and a guy that want's to be more than friends, they act differently
Like how?
(Is she for realz rn)
(Slowly) Friends
(beep beep)
UUUH, it's still not responding
uuh, I don't know, sorry
More than friends
Yeah, I'm checking the forms right now, and if you want I can pick it up for you tomorrow
I have a friend that's great at computers, owes me a huge favor and just in case
※ owe 미국식 [oʊ] 영국식 [əʊ] : 1. (돈을) 빚지고 있다, 2. 신세를 지고 있다, (특히 남의 은혜를 입었으므로) …해야 하다, 3. ~(의 존재·성공)은 ~ 덕분이다, ~을 ~에게 빚지다
I'll make an appointment with the Apple Store, right now
※ appointment 미국·영국 [əˈpɔɪntmənt] : 1. (특히 업무 관련) 약속, 2. 임명, 지명, 3. (책임 있는) 직위, 직책
(creaking sign)
UUU, just put down 10
Wait, don't you owe me money? Boiiii
(Harp strum)
Nooo, no no no what do you think you're doing?
You got me last time
No, okay just give it to me next time got that
You say that every time
I don't, No, I don't say that every time
You Do- Okay I say that every time
(creaking sign)
We're going out tonight to celebrate my promotion, you should stop by
Nah, I'm gunna pass, traffic is probably terrible right now (slams the gate way to heaven)
Wait, are any of your coworkers cute?
(Twinkling of the stars of above)
Yeah, I'm on my way. No, there's barely any traffic. I'll see you in two hours
※ barely 미국식 [ˈberli] 영국식 [ˈbeəli] : 1. 간신히, 가까스로, 빠듯하게, 2. 거의 …아니게, 3. 꼭, 겨우
(creaking sign)
Oh, geez, You know what? I think I left my bobby pin at home
※ bobby pin : (단발머리를 고정시키는) 헤어핀(hair grip)
So? (oooooooooooh buuuuuurn)
(drops a mic as he walks away)
(Harp strum)
I think I left my bobby pin at home
Well, I can drive home and get it for you
Oh, you don't have to
(you know the drill)
Oh! Gossip Girls is streaming!
I know! I know!
Who cares?
※ who cares? (who cares): 누가 상관이나 한대?
(looks back at da phone....)
twink a link link
Oh! Gossip Girls is streaming!
Oh, what season should we start on?
Okay, I'm gunna have to stop you right there. Gossip Girls is a legitimately good show
※ legitimately: 합법적으로, 정당하게
※ legitimate (legitimately) 미국·영국 [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət]: 1. 정당한, 타당한, 적당한, 2. 합법적인, 적법한, 3. 적출인
Yeah, I have the DVD box set
Okay fine, just ignore all the facts
He's not being nice because he want's something out of it, he's just a good guy
Here, I'll prove it
※ prove 미국·영국 [pruːv] : 1. 입증하다, 2. (…임이) 드러나다, 3. (자기 역량을) 입증해 보이다
Chri- Oh my god
Hey, we're you about to call my name?
Oh, here's that water you asked for earlier
Sorry it took me so long
I wrote your name on the cup so you don't get it mixed up
Chris, Buddy
Are you sure you'd give me a ride home?
Even though it's like two hours out of the way?
I'd never notice, No seriously. Yeah, of course, No. I gotchu
※ seriously 미국식 [ˈsɪr-] 영국식 [ˈsɪəriəsli] : 1. 심(각)하게; 진지하게, 진심으로, 2. <문장 앞에 쓰여 농담에서 진지한 내용으로 바뀜을 나타냄>, 3. 정말, 엄청나게, 대단히
And you're not giving me any special treatment and you'd do this for any of your friends
silly, yeah of course
※ silly 미국·영국 [ˈsɪli] : 1. 어리석은, 바보 같은, 2. 우스꽝스러운, 유치한, 철없는, 3. (실용적이지 않고) 장난감 같은; 심각하지 않은
Hey, do you think we could stop by this one guy's house.
He's throwing a party and I kind of like him
※ throw a party : 파티를 열다
※ kind of : 약간, 어느 정도
(You like another human being other than my beautiful self????)
(You daughter of a biscuit)
What are you?
(I am regretting my life choices)
※ regret (regretting) 미국·영국 [rɪˈɡret] : 1. 후회하다, 2. (정중히 격식을 차리는 말에서) 유감스럽게 생각하다, 3. 유감, 애석; 후회
Yeah, I can totally give you a ride home.
※ totally 미국식 [ˈtoʊ-] 영국식 [ˈtəʊtəli] : 완전히, 전적으로
Guys are-
Jerks, yeah
Do you think one of you guys can give me a ride home?
tha-we said it at the same time
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