티스토리 뷰

▶ 하고 싶었던 말


10 min conversation

Topic: Games


Q. Which game if your favorite?

A. My favorite game is video games/package games not online game because I like a games with a story. Like creative and fantasy. each other character. Like god of, sorry, I couldn’t game recently.

▶ 저는 온라인 게임이 아닌 비디오 게임이나 PC 게임을 좋아요. 스토리의 시작과 끝이 있는 게임을 좋아하거든요. 새롭게 만들어진 판타지나 캐릭터간에 사연이 엮어있는 스토리처럼요. 최근에 게임을 하지 못해서 게임 제목이 기억나지 않네요.

▶ My favorite game is video game or pc package games not online because I like the game with the beginning and end of the story. The story is like a newly created fantasy or involved each other character's story. I can't remember the titles of the games because I can't play the games recently.


Q. did you know StarCraft?

A. yes, I know it. But, I often don’t play starcraft because i don’t like genre.

▶ 네 알아요. 그런데 스타크래프트가 좋아하는 장르가 아니라서 자주 하지 않았어요.

▶ Yes, I know it. But, I don't played StarCraft often because I don't like the genre.


Q. Why?

I usually like genre that is action particular RPG.

▶ 저는 보통 액션이나 특히 RPG 장르를 좋아합니다.


Q. What is RPG meaning?

A. Rolling Paying Games. It can be main story of character. and then long story.

▶ 롤플레잉 게임이요. 내가 방대한 양의 서사적인 스토리의 주인공이 될 수 있어서 좋아해요.

▶ Role Playing Game. I like the genre because I can be main character of the story with huge content and epic.


Q. What perspective of game do you like except for playing?

A. Just second please, I don’t know, but maybe I think I like..can be..a hero of story.

▶ (이해하지 못 함) 잘 모르겠지만, 제가 이야기의 주인공이 될 수 있는 것이 좋아요.

▶ I like that can be main character of the story.


Q. there are some people who create games, design games character, or graphically design the games.

Q. Do you think addiction to the games can be a disease?

※ addiction 중독

A. Yes, I a little agree because I saw people paying too much for games, and then.

▶ 네. 조금 동의해요. 많은 사람들이 게임을 많이 하는 것을 봐왔고 자기도 모르게 많은 돈을 쓰고 후회하는 사람들을 봤어요.

▶ Yes. I a little agree because I have been seeing that people play games and unconsciously pay to games too much and regret itself.

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