티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


as 시간과 이유

■ 시간

두 가지 일이 동시에 일어날 때 사용한다. (...할 때 / ...하면서)

어떤 일이 다른 일을 하는 중에 일어날 때도 as를 사용할 수 있다.

오랜 시간에 걸쳐 두 가지 일이 함께 일어날 때도 쓸 수 있다.

when과 비교

  • as: 두 가지 일이 동시에 일어날 때
  • when: 어떤 일이 일어나고 나서 다른 일이 일어날 때


■ 이유

이유를 나타내기도 한다. (...때문에)

since도 같은 의미로 사용

뒤에 명사가 나오면 ...로써

when과 비교

  • as: ... 했기 때문에
  • when: ...중에 / ... 때



한 문장씩 골라 as를 사용하여 한 문장으로 쓰시오. 책 예제 참고


  1. we all waved good bye to Liz
  2. we all smiled
  3. I burned myself
  4. the crowd cheered
  5. a dog ran out in front of the car


  1. we were driving along the road
  2. I was taking a hot dish out of the oven
  3. she drove away
  4. we posed for the photograph
  5. the two teams ran onto the field


Ex 1) We all waved good-bye to Liz as she drove away.

✅ 2) We all smiled as we posed for the photograph.

✅ 3) I burned myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven.

✅ 4) The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the field.

✅ 5) A dog ran out in front of the car as we were driving along the road.


각 문장에서 as가 어떤 뜻으로 쓰였는지 쓰시오.

Ex 1) As they live near me, I see them fairly often.

✅ -> 이유

fairly 미국식 [ˈferli] 영국식 [ˈfeəli]: 1. 상당히, 꽤, 2. 공정하게; 정직하게, 3. 정말(강조 용법)

Ex 2) Jill slipped as she was getting off the bus.

✅ -> 시간

3) As I was tired, I went to bed early.

✅ -> 이유

4) Unfortunately, as I was parking the car, I hit the car behind me.

✅ -> 시간

unfortunately 미국식 [-ˈfɔːrtʃ-] 영국식 [ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli]: 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도

5) As we climbed the hill, we got more and more tired.

✅ -> 시간

6) We decided to go out to eat as we had no food at home.

✅ -> 이유

7) As we don't use the car very often, we've decided to sell it.

✅ -> 이유


위에서 as가 이유를 나타내는 문장을 골라 since를 사용하여 다시 쓰시오.

Ex 8) Since they live near me. I see them fairly often.

✅ 9) Since I was tired, I went to bed early.

✅ 10) We decided to go out to eat since we had no food at home.

✅ 11) Since we don't use the car very often, we've decided to sell it.


다음 문장 중 일부는 as가 아니라 when을 사용해야 함. 틀린 문장은 고치고, 맞는 문장은 OK라고 쓰시오.

Ex 1) Maria got married as she was 22.

✅ -> when she was 22

Ex 2) As the day went on, the weather got worse.

✅ -> OK

3) He dropped the glass as he was taking it out of the cabinet.

✅ -> OK

4) My camera was stolen as I was asleep on the beach.

✅ -> when I was asleep on the beach.

asleep 미국식 [əˈsliːp] : 잠이 든, 자고 있는

5) As I finished high school, I went into the army.

✅ -> When I finished high school

6) The train slowed down as it approached the station.

✅ -> OK

approach 미국식 [əˈproʊtʃ] 영국식 [əˈprəʊtʃ]: 1. 다가가다, 2. (특히 부탁제안 등을 하기 위해) 접촉하다, (다가가서) 말을 하다, 3. (양수준 등이) 육박하다

7) I used to live near the ocean as I was a child.

✅ -> when I was a child


자신의 생각대로 문장 완성하기.

1) I saw you as ~

시간: I ran the park.

이유: you called me.

2) It started to rain just as ~

시간: I got out in home.

3) As I didn't have enough money for a taxi, ~

이유: I walked to my home for three hours.

4) Just as I took the photograph, ~

시간: I saw the warning message that camera didn't have enough memory on the screen my digital camera.

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