티스토리 뷰

작성하고 싶었던 말

오늘 수학 공식에 관련된 작업을 했었다.

하루 종일 이 작업만 했는데 각도 계산이 문제였다.

상황상 반대로 적용해야 하는데 공식에만 집중하다보니 헛고생하는 시간이 많았다.


영작 연습

※ ▶ 피드백


Today I worked on the math formula.

▶ Today, I worked on the math formulas.


I did only work it all day, the problem was angle calculation.

▶ I was working the problem all day long, and it was about angle calculation.


I had to apply to reverse it in this situation, but I spend the time trying to be vain because I did focus the formula.

▶ I should have applied it in reverse under the circumstance, but it was waste of my time because I focused on the formula too much.

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