티스토리 뷰

작성하고 싶었던 말

아침에 커피를 마셔도 점심이 되면 졸릴 때가 있다.

카페인 면역력이 높아진 건지 너무 피곤한건지?


영작 연습

※ ▶ 피드백


There are times when even if I drink coffee in morning I sleepy when lunch time.

▶ There is some time when I am sleepy even though I had a cup of coffee at my lunchtime.

★ even though: ~일지라도


Have I strengthened caffeine immunity? Or have I felt so be tired?

▶ Whether am I immune to the coffee too much? or am I too tired?

★ be immune to: ~에 면역되다.

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