System.Classes.TStrings.LoadFromFile Up to Parent: TStringsDelphiprocedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); overload; virtual;procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string; Encoding: TEncoding); overload; virtual;C++virtual void __fastcall LoadFromFile(const System::UnicodeString FileName)/* overload */;virtual void __fastcall LoadFromFile(const System::UnicodeString FileName, System::Sysut..
System.SysUtils.FindFirst Up to Parent: System.SysUtilsDelphifunction FindFirst(const Path: string; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRec): Integer;C++extern PACKAGE int __fastcall FindFirst(const System::UnicodeString Path, int Attr, TSearchRec &F);Properties Constant Description 설명 faInvalid Identifies an invalid file. 유효하지 않은 파일을 식별합니다. faReadOnly Identifies read-only files or directories. 읽기 전용 파..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.ConnectionString Up to Parent: TADOConnection Delphi property ConnectionString: WideString read GetConnectionString write SetConnectionString; C++ __property System::WideString ConnectionString = {read=GetConnectionString, write=SetConnectionString}; Properties Argument Meaning Provider The name of the provider to use for the connection. 연결에 사용할 공급자의 이름입니다. File nam..
System.StrUtils.SplitString Up to Parent: System.StrUtilsDelphifunction SplitString(const S, Delimiters: string): TStringDynArray;C++extern PACKAGE ::System::TStringDynArray __fastcall SplitString(const System::UnicodeString S, const System::UnicodeString Delimiters);Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterInsert Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty AfterInsert: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FAfterInsert write FAfterInsert;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent AfterInsert = {read=FAfterInsert, write=FAfterInsert};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeInsert Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeInsert: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeInsert write FBeforeInsert;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeInsert = {read=FBeforeInsert, write=FBeforeInsert};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeClose Up to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeClose: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeClose write FBeforeClose;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeClose = {read=FBeforeClose, write=FBeforeClose};Properties
Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterOpenUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty AfterOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FAfterOpen write FAfterOpen;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent AfterOpen = {read=FAfterOpen, write=FAfterOpen};Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParenteventpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionOccurs / after an appl..
Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeOpenUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty BeforeOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeOpen write FBeforeOpen;C++__property TDataSetNotifyEvent BeforeOpen = {read=FBeforeOpen, write=FBeforeOpen};PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParenteventpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionOccurs before / an application / executes / a request to open a dataset.Write a Bef..
Data.DB.TDataSet.CheckBrowseModeUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure CheckBrowseMode;C++void __fastcall CheckBrowseMode(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionAutomatically posts or cancels / data changes / when the active record changes.CheckBrowseMode / is used internally / by many dataset methods / to ensure that m..
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