System.Math.SameValue Delphifunction SameValue(const A, B: Extended; Epsilon: Extended): Boolean;function SameValue(const A, B: Double; Epsilon: Double): Boolean;function SameValue(const A, B: Single; Epsilon: Single): Boolean;C++extern PACKAGE bool __fastcall SameValue(const System::Extended A, const System::Extended B, System::Extended Epsilon = 0.000000E+00)/* overload */;Properties
System.IOResult Delphifunction IOResult: Integer;C++extern PACKAGE int __fastcall IOResult(void);Properties Number Name Description 100 Disk read error Reported by Read on a typed file if you attempt to read past the end of the file. 파일의 끝을 지나서 읽으려고 시도하면 입력된 파일에서 읽음으로 보고됩니다. 101 Disk write error Reported by CloseFile, Write, WriteIn, or Flush if the disk becomes full. 디스크가 꽉 차면 CloseFile, Write,..
System.SysUtils.StrCat Delphifunction StrCat(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar;function StrCat(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar;C++extern PACKAGE char * __fastcall StrCat(char * Dest, const char * Source)/* overload */;Properties
System.SysUtils.CompareText Delphifunction CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;function CompareText(const S1, S2: string; LocaleOptions: TLocaleOptions): Integer;C++extern PACKAGE int __fastcall CompareText(const System::UnicodeString S1, const System::UnicodeString S2)/* overload */;Properties
System.SysUtils.IntToHex Delphifunction IntToHex(Value: Integer; Digits: Integer): string;function IntToHex(Value: Int64; Digits: Integer): string;function IntToHex(Value: UInt64; Digits: Integer): string;C++extern PACKAGE System::UnicodeString __fastcall IntToHex(int Value, int Digits)/* overload */;Properties
System.SysUtils.LowerCase Delphifunction LowerCase(const S: string): string;function LowerCase(const S: string; LocaleOptions: TLocaleOptions): string;C++extern PACKAGE System::UnicodeString __fastcall LowerCase(const System::UnicodeString S)/* overload */;Properties
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