Data.DB.TDataSet.BofUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty Bof: Boolean read FBOF;C++__property bool Bof = {read=FBOF, nodefault};Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentpropertypublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionIndicates whether / the first record in the dataset is active.Test Bof (beginning of file) / to dete..
Data.DB.TDataSet.EofUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiproperty Eof: Boolean read FEOF; {Upper case EOF conflicts with C++}C++__property bool Eof = {read=FEOF, nodefault};Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentpropertypublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionIndicates whether / a dataset / is positioned at the last record..
Data.DB.TDataSet.PriorUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Prior;C++void __fastcall Prior(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionMoves to the previous record / in the dataset.Call Prior / to move to the previous record / in the dataset, / making it the active record. Prior posts any changes / to the active record / an..
Data.DB.TDataSet.NextUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Next;C++void __fastcall Next(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionMoves to the next record / in the dataset.Call Next / to move to the next record / in the dataset, / making it the active rec..
Data.DB.TDataSet.LastUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Last;C++void __fastcall Last(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also3 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionMoves to the last record / in the dataset.Call Last / to make the last record / in the dataset active. If the dataset / is no..
Data.DB.TDataSet.FirstUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure First;C++void __fastcall First(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also2.2 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionMoves to the first record / in the dataset.Call First / to make the first record / in the dataset active. First posts an..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.RollbackTransUp to Parent: TADOConnectionDelphiprocedure RollbackTrans;C++void __fastcall RollbackTrans(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.Win.ADODB.pasData.Win.ADODB.hppData.Win.ADODBTADOConnectionDescriptionRolls back / an active transaction.Call RollbackTrans / to cancel any changes / made during the current transaction / an..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.CommitTransUp to Parent: TADOConnectionDelphiprocedure CommitTrans;C++void __fastcall CommitTrans(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.Win.ADODB.pasData.Win.ADODB.hppData.Win.ADODBTADOConnectionDescriptionCommits / an open transaction.Call CommitTrans / to save any changes / made during the current transaction / and to end the tr..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.BeginTransUp to Parent: TADOConnectionDelphifunction BeginTrans: Integer;C++int __fastcall BeginTrans(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentfunctionpublicData.Win.ADODB.pasData.Win.ADODB.hppData.Win.ADODBTADOConnectionDescriptionInitiates a new transaction / in the associated database.Call BeginTrans / to start a new transaction / in the data store / the ADO..
System.Classes.TStrings.ClearUp to Parent: TStringsDelphiprocedure Clear; virtual; abstract;C++virtual void __fastcall Clear(void) = 0 ;Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also2.2 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicSystem.Classes.pasSystem.Classes.hppSystem.ClassesTStringsDescriptionIntroduces an abstract (Delphi) or pure virtual (C++) method..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOQuery.ExecSQLUp to Parent: TADOQueryDelphifunction ExecSQL: Integer; {for TQuery compatibility}C++int __fastcall ExecSQL(void);PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentfunctionpublicData.Win.ADODB.pasData.Win.ADODB.hppData.Win.ADODBTADOQueryDescriptionExecutes the SQL statement / for the ADO query.Call ExecSQL / to execute / the SQL statement / currently assigned to the SQL pro..
Data.DB.TDataSet.CloseUp to Parent: TDataSetDelphiprocedure Close;C++void __fastcall Close(void);Contents [hide] 1 Properties2 Description2.1 See Also2.2 Code ExamplesPropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpublicData.DB.pasData.DB.hppData.DBTDataSetDescriptionCloses a dataset.Call Close / to set the Active property of a dataset / to false. When Active is false, / the dataset is..
Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.OpenUp to Parent: TADOConnectionDelphiprocedure Open(const UserID: WideString; const Password: WideString); overload;C++HIDESBASE void __fastcall Open(const System::WideString UserID, const System::WideString Password)/* overload */; inline void __fastcall Open(void){ Data::Db::TCustomConnection::Open(); }PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParentprocedurefunctionpubl..
■ 개체 유형 체크 연산자개체의 실제 런타임 클래스를 확인하는데 사용 var Form1 : TForm; if Form1 is TForm then'Form1'이라는 오브젝트가 'TForm' 클래스나 그 자손 클래스의 인스턴스인 경우 'true'를 리턴. ■ 확인된 타입 캐스트 연산자procedure Button1Click(Sender : TObject); begin (Sender as TButton).Caption := 'ok'; end;'Sender'는 'TObject' 타입이므로 Caption 속성에 접근할 수 없으므로 as 연산자를 사용하여 형변환 후 Caption 속성에 접근.
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