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High Frequency First 1~10


1 introvert and extrovert

Although introvert and extrovert personality types differ from one another on various grounds, the major difference between the two is their source of rejuvenation. While for extroverts, this may mean interaction or excursions with friends and family, the same may mean reading a book or listening to music for introverts.

rejuvenation 미국·영국 [ridƷù:vənéiʃən] 리주- 버네이션 : [명사] 다시 젊어짐, 회춘, 원기 회복


2 A Flattening of the world

The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization – a ‘flattening’ of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now means that suddenly knowledge pools and resources have connected all over the planet, leveling the playing field as never before.


3 Augustus

Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as the preserver of republican tradition. He treated the Senate, or state council, with great respect, and was made Consul year after year. He successfully reduced the political power of the army by retiring many soldiers but giving them land or money to keep their loyalty.

retiring 미국식 [rɪˈtaɪərɪŋ] 리 타이어링 : [형용사] 남과 잘 어울리지 않는, 내성적인


4 Japanese tea ceremony

The Japanese tea ceremony is a ritual influenced by Buddhism in which green tea is prepared and served to a small group of guests in a peaceful setting. The ceremony can take as long as hours and there are many traditional gestures that both the server and the guest must perform.

ritual 미국·영국 [ˈrɪtʃuəl] 리추얼 : [명사] (특히 종교상의) 의식 절차, (제의적) 의례

Buddhism 미국식 [ˈbʊdɪzəm] 부디즘 : [명사] 불교


5 Shakespeare

A young man from a small provincial town -a man without independent wealth, without powerful family connections and without a university education - moved to London in the late 1580’s and, in a remarkably short time, became the greatest playwright not of his age alone but of all time. How did Shakespeare become Shakespeare?

wealth 미국·영국 [welθ] : [명사] 부(富), (많은) 재산

remarkably 미국·영국 [rimɑ́:rkəbli] 리마-커블리 : [부사] 두드러지게, 현저하게, 몹시, 매우


6 The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and attains a depth of over a mile. While the specific geologic processes and timing that formed the Grand Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists, recent evidence suggests the Colorado River established its course through the canyon at least 17 million years ago.


7 Carbon Dioxide emissions

When countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions, they count up their cars and power stations, but bush fires are not included – presumably because they are deemed to be events beyond human control. In Australia, Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year; in both 2004 and the present summer, the figure has been over 1 million hectares.

assess 미국·영국 [əˈses] 어 세스 : [동사] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (특성·자질 등을) 재다[가늠하다]

dioxide 미국식 [-ˈɑːks-] 다이옥- 사이드 영국식 [daɪˈɒksaɪd] :[명사] (화학) 이산화물

presumably 미국식 [-ˈzuː-] 프리 주-머블리 영국식 [prɪˈzjuːməbli] :[부사] 아마, 짐작건대


8 Industrial Revolution

As to the Industrial Revolution, one cannot dispute today the fact that it has succeeded in inaugurating in a number of countries a level of mass prosperity which was undreamt of in the days preceding the Industrial Revolution. But, on the immediate impact of Industrial Revolution, there were substantial divergences among writers.

inaugurate 미국·영국 [ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪt] 인 어- 규레이트 : [동사] ~ sb (as sth) 취임하게 하다

divergence (divergences) 미국식 [divə́:rdʒəns(i),dai-] 디버-ㄹ 전스 : [명사] [UC] 분기; 일탈(逸脫); (의견 등의) 차이; [수학·물리] 발산; [심리] 확산; [식물] 잎과 잎 사이의 거리; 방산[발산]성


9 The brain

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, called the left and right hemispheres. Each hemisphere provided a different set of functions, behaviours, and controls. The right hemisphere is often called the creative side of the brain, while the left hemisphere is the logical or analytical side of brain.

hemisphere 미국식 [-sfɪr] 헤미스fㅣ얼 영국식 [ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)] : [명사] (지구의) 반구

analytical 미국·영국 [ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl] : [형용사] (사고가) 분석적인


10 Marketing course

For any marketing course that requires development of marketing plan, such as marketing management, marketing strategy and segmentation support marketing, this is the only planning handbook that guides students through the step by step creation of customized marketing plan. While offering commercial software to aid in the process.

marketing 미국식 [ˈmɑːrk-] 마-켓잉 영국식 [ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ] : [명사] 마케팅

strategy 미국·영국 [ˈstrætədʒi] 스트래러지 : [명사] ~ (for doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) (특정 목표를 위한) 계획[전략]

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