티스토리 뷰


Introduce, Vocabulary


My teacher name's Blaise.

My name's MyoungHo Kim.

I have not an English name yet.

My job is computer programmer.

I'm thirty years old.

Teacher says, Vocabulary is words.

I did learn words.

■ sentence

ex) I'm writing it now

■ look

ex) Loot at me~, I see you

■ later

ex) See you later

other word is after.

Teacher says, So what will you do later? after class?

I wanted to answer like this.

-> I will review the lesson

■ cafeteria

Teacher says, Do you go to cafeteria? How many times in the week?

I wanted to answer like this.

-> I go to cafe to drink coffee every morning.

Sentence written by the teacher.

ex 1) I go to cafeteria every morning to drink coffee.

ex 2) I go to the cafeteria every morning and have coffee.

The class was very fun.

Teachr! Could you correct my grammatical errors I have made in this diary? please~

피드백 받은 것


It's so nice to see your entry here.

I'm happy to know that you are really interested in learning the language.

I know that you can do better.

Just keep on practicing even at home to improve your skill sooner.

Have a great day!

독해 연습

▷ 교정 전

▶ 교정 후

Hello Kim.

안녕하세요 김.

It's so nice / to see your entry here.

그건 정말 멋지다 / 당신이 여기에 참여하는 것을 보는 것에

▷ 당신이 여기에 참여하는 것을 보니 정말 멋져요

I'm happy / to know that you are really interested / in learning the language.

나는 행복합니다 / 당신이 정말 흥미로운 것을 알게 되어서 / 언어를 배우는 것에

▷ 나는 당신이 정말 흥미롭게 언어를 배워가는 것을 알게되어 행복합니다.

I know / that you can do better.

나는 압니다 / 당신이 더 나아지는게 가능하다는 것을

▷ 나는 당신이 더 나아질 것을 압니다.

Just keep on practicing / even at home / to improve your skill sooner.

계속 연습을 유지 / 집에서도 / 당신의 스킬이 조만간 나아지는

▷ 집에서도 계속 연습을 하면 당신의 스킬이 조만간 나아진다.

Have a great day!

▷ 좋은 날 되세요!

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