티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


동사 + -ing

■ 다음 동사 다음에 나오는 동사에는 -ing를 사용

stop postpone consider admit finish avoid imagine deny quit risk miss recommend

ex 1) Suddenly everybody stopped talking.

ex 2) I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the apartment.

※ I've finished: 해오던 것을 끝내는 것이므로 현재 완료형으로 사용해야 함.

ex 3) When I'm on vacation, I enjoy not having to get up early.


consider 미국·영국 [kənˈsɪdə(r)]: 1. 사려하다, 2. (~을 ~로) 여기다, 3. (특히 남의 감정을) 고려하다

admit 미국·영국 [ədˈmɪt] : 1. (무엇이 사실임을 마지못해) 인정하다, 2. (범행·잘못 등을) 자백하다, 3. 들어가게 하다, 입장을 허락하다

deny 미국·영국 [dɪˈnaɪ] : 1. (무엇이) 사실이 아니라고 말하다, 부인하다, 2. (무엇을) 인정하지 않다, 부인하다, 3. (남이 원하는 것을) 거부하다

risk 미국·영국 [rɪsk]: 1. [타동사][VN] (…을) 위태롭게 하다[걸다], 2. …을 각오해야 할 짓을 하다, …의 위험을 무릅쓰다, 3. 과감히[모험 삼아] …을 하다

miss 미국·영국 [mɪs] : 1. (치거나 잡거나 닿지 못하고) 놓치다, 2. (못 보고 듣고) 놓치다, (관심을 안 두고) 지나치다, 3. 이해하지 못하다


■ 다음 동사구 뒤에도 -ing를 사용

  • give up(= stop)
  • put off(= postpone)
  • go on(= continue)
  • keep(= keep on, do something continuously or repeatedly)

ex) Paula has given up trying to lose weight.


■ 이 외

일부 동사는 '동사 + 사람 + -ing' 구조로 사용.

  • ex) I can't imagine Kim riding a motorcycle.

수동태 'being done/seen/kept'

  • ex) I don't mind being kept waiting. (= I don't mind people keeping me waiting)

완료된 행동을 말할 때 having done'stolen/said 표현 사용 가능. 반드시는 아님.

  • ex 1) They admitted having stolen the money.
  • ex 2) They admitted stealing the money.

일부 (특히 admit/deny/suggest)는 뒤에 that 사용 가능.

  • ex) She denied that she had stolen the money. (or She denied stealing ...)



아래 동사를 알맞은 형태로 사용하여 문장 완성하기

answer apply be forget listen pay lose make read try use write

✅ ex 1) He tried to avoid answering my question.

✅ 2) Could you please stop making so much noise?

✅ 3) I enjoy listening to music.

❌ 4) I considered appling for the job, but in the end I decided against it.

=> 스펠링 applying

✅ 5) Have you finished reading the newspaper yet?

✅ 6) Let's buy a house. I don't want to go on paying rent every month.

✅ 7) I don't mind you using the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

✅ 8) My memory is getting worse. I keep forgetting things.

worse 미국식 [wɜːrs] 영국식 [wɜːs]: 1. 더 나쁜, 2. 더 심한, 3. 더 아픈

❌ 9) I've put off writting the letter so many times. I really have to do it today.

=> 스펠링 writing

❌ 10) What a mean thing to do! Can you imagine anybody losing so mean?

=> being

✅ 11) Sarah gave up trying to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

❌ 12) If you invest your money in the stock market, you risk making it.

=> losing

invest 미국·영국 [ɪnˈvest] : 1. (수익을 위해) 투자하다, 2. 투자하다, 3. (시간·노력 등을) 투자하다


-ing를 사용하여 문장 완성하기

ex 1) A: What should we do? B: We could go to the movies.

✅ -> She suggested going to the movies.

2) A: You were driving too fast. B: You're right. Sorry!

✅ -> She admitted driving too fast.

3) A: Let's go swimming. B: Good idea!

✅ -> She suggested going swimming.

=> (다른 표현) going for a swim.

4) A: You broke my DVD player. B: No, I didn't!

❌ -> He denied braking DVD player.

=> 스펠링 breaking DVD player

5) A: Can you wait a few minutes? B: Sure, no problem.

✅ -> They didn't mind waiting a few minutes.


두 문장의 의미가 같도록 -ing를 사용하여 문장 완성하기.

ex 1) She doesn't really want to retire.

✅ -> She wants to go on working.

2) It's not a good idea to travel during rush hour.

❌ -> It's better to avoid traveling.

=> 내용 부족 traveling during rush hour.

3) Should we leave tomorrow instead of today?

✅ -> Should we postpone leaving until tomorrow?

4) Could you turn the radio down, please?

❌ -> Would you mind turning radio down, please?

=> 관사 빠짐 the, please 필요없음 turning the radio down?

5) Please don't interrupt me all the time.

✅ -> Would you mind not interrupting me all the time?


상황에 맞게 -ing를 사용하여 문장 완성하기.

ex 1) She's a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her.

🤔 2) I'm afraid there aren't any chairs. I hope you don't mind not existing chair.

=> 모범답 standing

🤔 3) It was a beautiful day, so I suggested going to the picnic.

=> 모범답 having a picnic

🤔 4) It was very funny. I couldn't stop hanging out.

=> 모범답 laughing

🤔 5) My car isn't very reliable. It keeps breaking.

=> 모범답 breaking down

reliable 미국·영국 [rɪˈlaɪəbl]: 1. 믿을 수 있는, 2. (옳을 것으로) 믿을 만한

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