티스토리 뷰

공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate


셀 수 있는 명사와 셀 수 없는 명사 1

■ 셀 수 있는 명사

단수와 복수가 존재. ex) apple, apples

앞에 숫자를 붙일 수 있다. ex) one apple, two apples

단수는 앞에 a/an 붙여서 사용할 수 있다. ex) a desk, an apple

단수는 단독으로 사용할 수 없으며, 앞에는 반드시 a/the/my 등을 써야 한다. 복수는 단독으로 사용 가능.

복수형은 some/any와 함께 사용 가능. ex) some apples, any apples

적고 많음을 말할 때는 few/many 를 복수형에만 사용. ex) a few things, many pictures

■ 셀 수 없는 명사

한 가지 형태밖에 없다. ex) rice, bread, sand, music

앞에 숫자를 붙일 수 없다.

앞에 a/an은 사용할 수 없으나, a ... of 구문을 사용할 수 있다. ex) a bowl of rice, a pound of butter, a grain of salt

the/my/some 없이 단독으로도 사용 가능.

somy/any와 함께 사용 가능. ex) some love, any apple juice

적고 많음을 말할 때는 little/much 사용. ex) a little work, much money



틀린 문장만 a/an을 사용하여 고치시오.

Ex 1) Joe goes everywhere by bike. He doesn't have car.

✅ -> ... He doesn't have a car.

Ex 2) Helen was listening to music when I arrived.

✅ -> OK

3) We went to very nice restaurant last weekend.

✅ -> We went to a very nice restaurant last weekend.

4) I brush my teeth with toothpaste.

❌ -> I brush my teeth with a toothpaste.

5) I use toothbrush to brush my teeth.

✅ -> I use a toothbrush to brush my teeth.

6) Can you tell me if there's bank near here?

✅ -> Can you tell me if there's a bank near here?

7) My brother works for insurance company in Detroit.

✅ -> My brother works for an insurance company in Detroit.

insurance 미국식 [-ˈʃʊr-] 영국식 [ɪnˈʃʊərəns;-ʃɔːr-]: 1. 보험, 2. 보험업, 3. (보험사에서 지불하는) 보험금; (보험사에 내는) 보험료

8) I don't like violence.

✅ -> OK

violence 미국·영국 [ˈvaɪələns]: 1. 폭행, 폭력, 2. 격렬함, 맹렬함

9) Can you smell paint?

✅ -> OK

10) When we were in Rome, we stayed in big hotel.

✅ -> When we were in Rome, we stayed in a big hotel.

11) We need gas. I hope we come to gas station soon.

✅ -> We need gas. I hope we come to a gas station soon.

12) I wonder if you can help me. I have problem.

✅ -> ... I have a problem.

13) I like your suggestion. It's very interesting idea.

❌ -> OK

=> I like your suggestion. It's a very interesting idea.

14) John has interview for job tomorrow.

❌ -> OK

=> John has an interview for job tomorrow.

15) I like volleyball. It's good game.

✅ -> I like a volleyball. It's a good game.

16) Liz doesn't usually wear jewelry.

❌ -> Liz doesn't usually wear a jewelry.

17) Jane was wearing beautiful necklace.

✅ -> Jane was wearing a beautiful necklace.


아래의 단어를 사용하여 문장 완성하기. 필요 시 a/an을 사용.

accident, blood, coat, cookie, decision, eletricity,

interview, key, minute, music, question, sugar

Ex 1) I wasn't your fault. It was an accident.

Ex 2) Listen! Can you hear music?

✅ 3) I couldn't get into the house because I didn't have a key.

✅ 4) It's very warm today. Why are you wearing a coat?

✅ 5) Do you take sugar in your coffee?

✅ 6) Are you hungry? Would you like a cookie with your coffee?

✅ 7) Our lives would be very difficult without electricity.

❌ 8) "I had interview for a job yesterday." "You did? How did it go?"

=> an interview

✅ 9) The heart pumps blood through the body.

✅ 10) Excuse me, but can I ask you a question?

✅ 11) I'm not ready yet. Can you wait a minute, please?

❌ 12) We can't delay much longer. We have to make decision soon.

=> a decision


아래의 단어를 사용하여 문장 완성하기. 경우에 따라 복수형을 사용하거나 a/an 사용.

air, day, friend, language, letter, line

meat, patience, people, picture, space, umbrella

Ex 1) I had my camera, but I didn't take any pictures.

✅ 2) There are seven days in a week.

❌ 3) A vegeratian is a person who doesn't eat a meat.

=> meat

❌ 4) Outside the movie theather, there was lines of people waiting to see the movie.

=> a line

❌ 5) I'm not very good at writing a letter.

=> letters

✅ 6) Last night I went out with some friends of mine.

✅ 7) There were very few people in town today. The streets were almost empty.

✅ 8) I'm going out for a walk. I need some fresh air.

✅ 9) Gary always wants things quickly. He doesn't have much patience.

patience 미국·영국 [ˈpeɪʃns]: 1. 참을성, 2. 인내력, 인내심, 3. 페이션스(혼자서 하는 카드놀이)

✅ 10) I think it's going to rain. Do you have an umbrella I could borrow?

✅ 11) Do you speak any foreign language?

✅ 12) Our apartments is very small. We don't have much space.

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