티스토리 뷰
공부하는 책: Grammar in use intermediate
-ing 구문(Feeling tired, I went to bed early)
무엇인가를 설명하거나 행동의 이유를 말할 때 사용할 수 있다.
-ing 또는 Not -ing로 시작하는 문장을 쓰시오. 필요한 경우 Having (done something)으로 시작하시오.
Ex 1) I felt tired. So I went to bed early.
-> Feeling tired. I went to bed early.
피곤할 때 나는 일찍 침대에 갔다(일찍 잔다)
2) I thought they might be hungry. So I offered them something to eat.
✅ -> Thinking they might be hungry. I offered them something to eat.
나는 그들이 배고플 것이라고 생각해서 그들이 먹을 것을 제공했다.
3) Sally is a vegetarian. So she doesn't eat any kind of meat.
❌ -> Being a vegetarian. Sally doesn't eat meat of any kind. she doesn't eat any kind of meat.
그녀는 채식주의자라서 어떤 고기도 먹지 않는다.
4) I didn't know his e-mail address. So I wasn't able to contact him.
✅ -> Not knowing his e-mail address. I wasn't able to contact him.
나는 그의 이메일 주소를 몰라서 연락이 할 수 없었다.
5) Sarah has traveld a lot. So she knows a lot about other countries.
❌ -> Having traveld a lot. Sarah she knows a lot about other countries.
그녀는 여행을 많이 해서 다른 나라들에 대해서 많이 안다.
6) I wasn't able to speak the local language. So I had trouble communicating.
✅ -> Not being able to speak the local language. I had trouble communicating.
나는 현지 언어를 할줄 몰라서 의사소통하는데 문제를 겪었다.
7) We had spent nearly all our money. So we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel.
✅ -> Having spent nearly all our money. we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel.
우리는 모든 돈을 써버려서 호텔에서 여유롭게 머무르지 못했다.
※ afford 미국식 [əˈfɔːrd] 영국식 [əˈfɔːd] : 1. (…을 살·할·금전적·시간적) 여유가 되다, 2. …하면 안 되다, 3. 제공하다
책에 없는 추가 연습
1) When she began to sing, she forgot the lyrics.
-> When being to sing, she forgot the lyrics.
그녀는 노래를 시작할 때 가사를 잊었다.
2) As she didn't have any money, she couldn't buy a bike.
-> As not having any money, she couldn't buy a bike.
그녀는 한푼도 없어서 자전거를 못 샀다.
3) Though she was busy, she was willing to help him.
-> Though busying, she was willing to help him.
그녀는 바빴더라도 그를 기꺼이 도와주었다.
※ willing 미국·영국 [ˈwɪlɪŋ] : 1. …에 반대하지 않는; …하지 못할 이유가 없는, 2. 기꺼이 하는, 자발적인, 열렬한, 적극적인
4) If you set up the tent, you will have to put the cover on it.
-> If setting up the tent, you will have to put the cover on it.
당신이 텐트를 세운다면 위에다 덮개를 놓아야 할 것이다.
5) While she was listening to the music, she read a paper.
-> Listening to the music, she read a paper.
그녀는 음악을 들으면서 종이를 읽는다.
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