티스토리 뷰
사람들이 매우 넓고 눈으로 덮힌 산에서 스키를 타며 내려오고 있다.
사람들이 스키를 타면서 내려간다 / 매우 넓고 눈으로 덮힌 산에서
The people descend to skiing in a mountain that is very wide and covered snow.
▶︎ The people are skiing to get down from the wide and white mountain with snow.
인공적으로 만들어진 스키장이 아니라 자연적으로 만들어진 곳인 것 같다.
그곳은 인공적이지 않다. / 나는 그곳이 자연스럽게 만들어진 곳으로 보인다.
The place is not artificial. I seem to the place is made a naturalistically.
▶ The place is not artificial. I see the place is made a naturalistically.
▶ The place looks like/seems to be not artificial, but natural place.
※ not A, but B: A가 아니라 B다.
▶︎ The place seems like a natural place, not an artificial place.
멀리 보이는 산들도 햐앟게 덮혀져 있어서 멋진 배경처럼 느껴진다.
나는 그 사진이 멋지다고 느꼈다 / 왜냐하면 멀리있는 산들도 하얗게 덮여져 있어서
I'm felt the picture is awesome because the faraway mountains are covered white too.
▶ I felt the picture is awesome because the mountains far away are covered white too.
▶︎ It looks like a great background picture because other mountains far away are also covered with snow.
20대 중반 때 학교에서 스키를 타러 놀러간 적이 있었는데 나는 보드를 탔었다.
나의 20대 중반 때 / 나는 스키장에 학교 사람들과 갔다 / 그리고 나는 스노우보드를 탔다.
In my mid-20s, I went to a ski resort with school people and I rode a snowboard.
▶ In my mid-20s, I went to a ski resort with people in school and I rode a snowboard.
▶︎ When I was in the mid-20s, I went to a ski resort with people in school, and I rode a snowboard instead of ski.
기억에 남는건 반나절 동안 넘어지기만 하다보니 며칠동안 엉덩이가 아파서 앉기가 어려웠다는 것이다.
나는 내가 앉지 못했던 것을 기억한다 / 왜냐하면 나는 반나절 동안 넘어졌다. 그래서 며칠동안 내 엉덩이가 아팠다
I remember I couldn't sit because I fell down for a half day. Therefore I had a pain in my ass for a few days.
▶ I remember I couldn't sit because I fell down for a half day. Therefore, I had so much pain in my ass for a few days.
▶︎ I only remember that I couldn't sit since I fell from the snowboard for half of the day, so I had a lot of pain in my butt for a few days.
나는 몸 쓰는 운동에는 재능이 없다는 것을 깨닫게 해주는 경험이었다.
나는 그 경험에 의해 깨닫게 되었다 / 내가 육체적인게 필요한 스포츠에 재능이 없다는 것을
I was realized that I didn't have a talent for a sport that needs a physical by the experience.
▶ I realized/had an experience that I didn't have a talent for a sport that needs a physical movement.
▶︎ It was the experience that I realized that I am not good at sports.
*be good at ~ :~를 잘하다, 능숙하다
be not good at/be bad at/be suck at
~를 못 하다. 서툴러
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