원문 You showed enthusiasm in sharing things in the class. You were very eager and very much fun to talk to with. You are now getting more and more confident in sharing things in the class. You were very eager in answering questions and studying the lesson which I find really cool and admirable. Keep up the good work! X: I ate dinner 5 hours before O: I ate dinner at 6pm. X: I glad because I could..
원문 Though it's still hard for you to take part in a conversation. You managed to tell me things even though you''re vocabulary is limited. You need some rephrasing and explanations in some questions but it's okay. You were able to recall the past lesson as well. I appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness in the class. Thank you for doing your best. Keep up the good work! X: Same ..
원문You attended the class and participated actively during the discussion. You showed eagerness to participate and learn more in the class. You were a bit confused when answering some comprehension questions. You need more time to understand the passage well before proceeding to the activities. 독해 연습※ ▷ 해석 ▶ 피드백 You attended the class / and participated actively / during the discussion. 당신은 수업에 참..
원문Hello Kim, You attended the class and participated actively during the discussion. You showed eagerness to participate and learn more in the class. You were a bit confused when answering some comprehension questions. Practice more to improve your skill sooner. 독해 연습Hello Kim, 안녕 김,You attended the class / and participated actively / during the discussion. 너는 수업에 참석했다 / 그리고 활발히 참석했다. / 논의하는 동안Y..
2018년 6월 2일 영어 회화 첫 수업 피드백원문Hello Kim, It was nice having you in my class. You did good. Though it's still hard for you to take part in a conversation. You managed to tell me things even though you're vocabulary is limited. I appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness in the class. Thank you for doing your best. Keep up the good work! 독해 연습Hello Kim, 안녕 김It was nice having you / in my class. 너가 있어..
첫 영어회화 수업 테스트_180519 ※ No feedback ※ 피드백 받지 않은 상태 기억에 남는 말(A memorable remark)What did you learn? 무엇을 배웠나요? 응용(Application)육하원칙(5W1H)Who did learn? 누가 배웠나요? When did you learn? 언제 배웠나요? Where did you learn? 어디서 배웠나요? What did you learn? 무엇을 배웠나요? How did you learn? 어떻게 배웠나요? Why did you learn? 왜 배웠나요? 시점(Time)What did you learn now? 지금 무엇을 배웠나요? What did you learn a while ago? 좀 전에 무엇을 배웠나요? Wha..
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